
Text file src/runtime/sys_openbsd_amd64.s

Documentation: runtime

     1// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5// System calls and other sys.stuff for AMD64, OpenBSD.
     6// System calls are implemented in libc/libpthread, this file
     7// contains trampolines that convert from Go to C calling convention.
     8// Some direct system call implementations currently remain.
    11#include "go_asm.h"
    12#include "go_tls.h"
    13#include "textflag.h"
    14#include "cgo/abi_amd64.h"
    16#define CLOCK_MONOTONIC	$3
    18TEXT runtime·settls(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    19	// Nothing to do, pthread already set thread-local storage up.
    20	RET
    22// mstart_stub is the first function executed on a new thread started by pthread_create.
    23// It just does some low-level setup and then calls mstart.
    24// Note: called with the C calling convention.
    25TEXT runtime·mstart_stub(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    26	// DI points to the m.
    27	// We are already on m's g0 stack.
    29	// Transition from C ABI to Go ABI.
    32	// Load g and save to TLS entry.
    33	// See cmd/link/internal/ld/sym.go:computeTLSOffset.
    34	MOVQ	m_g0(DI), DX // g
    35	MOVQ	DX, -8(FS)
    37	CALL	runtime·mstart(SB)
    41	// Go is all done with this OS thread.
    42	// Tell pthread everything is ok (we never join with this thread, so
    43	// the value here doesn't really matter).
    44	XORL	AX, AX
    45	RET
    47TEXT runtime·sigfwd(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-32
    48	MOVQ	fn+0(FP),    AX
    49	MOVL	sig+8(FP),   DI
    50	MOVQ	info+16(FP), SI
    51	MOVQ	ctx+24(FP),  DX
    52	MOVQ	SP, BX		// callee-saved
    53	ANDQ	$~15, SP	// alignment for x86_64 ABI
    54	CALL	AX
    55	MOVQ	BX, SP
    56	RET
    58// Called using C ABI.
    59TEXT runtime·sigtramp(SB),NOSPLIT|TOPFRAME|NOFRAME,$0
    60	// Transition from C ABI to Go ABI.
    63	// Set up ABIInternal environment: g in R14, cleared X15.
    64	get_tls(R12)
    65	MOVQ	g(R12), R14
    66	PXOR	X15, X15
    68	// Reserve space for spill slots.
    69	NOP	SP		// disable vet stack checking
    70	ADJSP   $24
    72	// Call into the Go signal handler
    73	MOVQ	DI, AX	// sig
    74	MOVQ	SI, BX	// info
    75	MOVQ	DX, CX	// ctx
    76	CALL	·sigtrampgo<ABIInternal>(SB)
    78	ADJSP	$-24
    81	RET
    84// These trampolines help convert from Go calling convention to C calling convention.
    85// They should be called with asmcgocall.
    86// A pointer to the arguments is passed in DI.
    87// A single int32 result is returned in AX.
    88// (For more results, make an args/results structure.)
    89TEXT runtime·pthread_attr_init_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    90	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - attr
    91	CALL	libc_pthread_attr_init(SB)
    92	RET
    94TEXT runtime·pthread_attr_destroy_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    95	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - attr
    96	CALL	libc_pthread_attr_destroy(SB)
    97	RET
    99TEXT runtime·pthread_attr_getstacksize_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   100	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 - stacksize
   101	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - attr
   102	CALL	libc_pthread_attr_getstacksize(SB)
   103	RET
   105TEXT runtime·pthread_attr_setdetachstate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   106	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 - detachstate
   107	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - attr
   108	CALL	libc_pthread_attr_setdetachstate(SB)
   109	RET
   111TEXT runtime·pthread_create_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$16
   112	MOVQ	0(DI), SI		// arg 2 - attr
   113	MOVQ	8(DI), DX		// arg 3 - start
   114	MOVQ	16(DI), CX		// arg 4 - arg
   115	MOVQ	SP, DI			// arg 1 - &thread (discarded)
   116	CALL	libc_pthread_create(SB)
   117	RET
   119TEXT runtime·thrkill_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   120	MOVL	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 - signal
   121	MOVQ	$0, DX			// arg 3 - tcb
   122	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - tid
   123	CALL	libc_thrkill(SB)
   124	RET
   126TEXT runtime·thrsleep_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   127	MOVL	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 - clock_id
   128	MOVQ	16(DI), DX		// arg 3 - abstime
   129	MOVQ	24(DI), CX		// arg 4 - lock
   130	MOVQ	32(DI), R8		// arg 5 - abort
   131	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - id
   132	CALL	libc_thrsleep(SB)
   133	RET
   135TEXT runtime·thrwakeup_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   136	MOVL	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 - count
   137	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - id
   138	CALL	libc_thrwakeup(SB)
   139	RET
   141TEXT runtime·exit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   142	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 exit status
   143	CALL	libc_exit(SB)
   144	MOVL	$0xf1, 0xf1  // crash
   145	RET
   147TEXT runtime·getthrid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   148	MOVQ	DI, BX			// BX is caller-save
   149	CALL	libc_getthrid(SB)
   150	MOVL	AX, 0(BX)		// return value
   151	RET
   153TEXT runtime·raiseproc_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   154	MOVL	0(DI), BX	// signal
   155	CALL	libc_getpid(SB)
   156	MOVL	AX, DI		// arg 1 pid
   157	MOVL	BX, SI		// arg 2 signal
   158	CALL	libc_kill(SB)
   159	RET
   161TEXT runtime·sched_yield_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   162	CALL	libc_sched_yield(SB)
   163	RET
   165TEXT runtime·mmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   166	MOVQ	DI, BX
   167	MOVQ	0(BX), DI		// arg 1 addr
   168	MOVQ	8(BX), SI		// arg 2 len
   169	MOVL	16(BX), DX		// arg 3 prot
   170	MOVL	20(BX), CX		// arg 4 flags
   171	MOVL	24(BX), R8		// arg 5 fid
   172	MOVL	28(BX), R9		// arg 6 offset
   173	CALL	libc_mmap(SB)
   174	XORL	DX, DX
   175	CMPQ	AX, $-1
   176	JNE	ok
   177	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   178	MOVLQSX	(AX), DX		// errno
   179	XORQ	AX, AX
   181	MOVQ	AX, 32(BX)
   182	MOVQ	DX, 40(BX)
   183	RET
   185TEXT runtime·munmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   186	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 len
   187	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 addr
   188	CALL	libc_munmap(SB)
   189	TESTQ	AX, AX
   190	JEQ	2(PC)
   191	MOVL	$0xf1, 0xf1  // crash
   192	RET
   194TEXT runtime·madvise_trampoline(SB), NOSPLIT, $0
   195	MOVQ	8(DI), SI	// arg 2 len
   196	MOVL	16(DI), DX	// arg 3 advice
   197	MOVQ	0(DI), DI	// arg 1 addr
   198	CALL	libc_madvise(SB)
   199	// ignore failure - maybe pages are locked
   200	RET
   202TEXT runtime·open_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   203	MOVL	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 - flags
   204	MOVL	12(DI), DX		// arg 3 - mode
   205	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - path
   206	XORL	AX, AX			// vararg: say "no float args"
   207	CALL	libc_open(SB)
   208	RET
   210TEXT runtime·close_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   211	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - fd
   212	CALL	libc_close(SB)
   213	RET
   215TEXT runtime·read_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   216	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 - buf
   217	MOVL	16(DI), DX		// arg 3 - count
   218	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 - fd
   219	CALL	libc_read(SB)
   220	TESTL	AX, AX
   221	JGE	noerr
   222	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   223	MOVL	(AX), AX		// errno
   224	NEGL	AX			// caller expects negative errno value
   226	RET
   228TEXT runtime·write_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   229	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 buf
   230	MOVL	16(DI), DX		// arg 3 count
   231	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 fd
   232	CALL	libc_write(SB)
   233	TESTL	AX, AX
   234	JGE	noerr
   235	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   236	MOVL	(AX), AX		// errno
   237	NEGL	AX			// caller expects negative errno value
   239	RET
   241TEXT runtime·pipe2_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   242	MOVL	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 flags
   243	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 filedes
   244	CALL	libc_pipe2(SB)
   245	TESTL	AX, AX
   246	JEQ	3(PC)
   247	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   248	MOVL	(AX), AX		// errno
   249	NEGL	AX			// caller expects negative errno value
   250	RET
   252TEXT runtime·setitimer_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   253	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 new
   254	MOVQ	16(DI), DX		// arg 3 old
   255	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 which
   256	CALL	libc_setitimer(SB)
   257	RET
   259TEXT runtime·usleep_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   260	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 usec
   261	CALL	libc_usleep(SB)
   262	RET
   264TEXT runtime·sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   265	MOVL	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 miblen
   266	MOVQ	16(DI), DX		// arg 3 out
   267	MOVQ	24(DI), CX		// arg 4 size
   268	MOVQ	32(DI), R8		// arg 5 dst
   269	MOVQ	40(DI), R9		// arg 6 ndst
   270	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 mib
   271	CALL	libc_sysctl(SB)
   272	RET
   274TEXT runtime·kqueue_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   275	CALL	libc_kqueue(SB)
   276	RET
   278TEXT runtime·kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   279	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 keventt
   280	MOVL	16(DI), DX		// arg 3 nch
   281	MOVQ	24(DI), CX		// arg 4 ev
   282	MOVL	32(DI), R8		// arg 5 nev
   283	MOVQ	40(DI), R9		// arg 6 ts
   284	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 kq
   285	CALL	libc_kevent(SB)
   286	CMPL	AX, $-1
   287	JNE	ok
   288	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   289	MOVL	(AX), AX		// errno
   290	NEGL	AX			// caller expects negative errno value
   292	RET
   294TEXT runtime·clock_gettime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   295	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 tp
   296	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 clock_id
   297	CALL	libc_clock_gettime(SB)
   298	TESTL	AX, AX
   299	JEQ	noerr
   300	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   301	MOVL	(AX), AX		// errno
   302	NEGL	AX			// caller expects negative errno value
   304	RET
   306TEXT runtime·fcntl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   307	MOVQ	DI, BX
   308	MOVL	0(BX), DI		// arg 1 fd
   309	MOVL	4(BX), SI		// arg 2 cmd
   310	MOVL	8(BX), DX		// arg 3 arg
   311	XORL	AX, AX			// vararg: say "no float args"
   312	CALL	libc_fcntl(SB)
   313	XORL	DX, DX
   314	CMPL	AX, $-1
   315	JNE	noerr
   316	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   317	MOVL	(AX), DX
   318	MOVL	$-1, AX
   320	MOVL	AX, 12(BX)
   321	MOVL	DX, 16(BX)
   322	RET
   324TEXT runtime·sigaction_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   325	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 new
   326	MOVQ	16(DI), DX		// arg 3 old
   327	MOVL	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 sig
   328	CALL	libc_sigaction(SB)
   329	TESTL	AX, AX
   330	JEQ	2(PC)
   331	MOVL	$0xf1, 0xf1  // crash
   332	RET
   334TEXT runtime·sigprocmask_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   335	MOVQ	8(DI), SI	// arg 2 new
   336	MOVQ	16(DI), DX	// arg 3 old
   337	MOVL	0(DI), DI	// arg 1 how
   338	CALL	libc_pthread_sigmask(SB)
   339	TESTL	AX, AX
   340	JEQ	2(PC)
   341	MOVL	$0xf1, 0xf1  // crash
   342	RET
   344TEXT runtime·sigaltstack_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   345	MOVQ	8(DI), SI		// arg 2 old
   346	MOVQ	0(DI), DI		// arg 1 new
   347	CALL	libc_sigaltstack(SB)
   348	TESTQ	AX, AX
   349	JEQ	2(PC)
   350	MOVL	$0xf1, 0xf1  // crash
   351	RET
   353// syscall calls a function in libc on behalf of the syscall package.
   354// syscall takes a pointer to a struct like:
   355// struct {
   356//	fn    uintptr
   357//	a1    uintptr
   358//	a2    uintptr
   359//	a3    uintptr
   360//	r1    uintptr
   361//	r2    uintptr
   362//	err   uintptr
   363// }
   364// syscall must be called on the g0 stack with the
   365// C calling convention (use libcCall).
   367// syscall expects a 32-bit result and tests for 32-bit -1
   368// to decide there was an error.
   369TEXT runtime·syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$16
   370	MOVQ	(0*8)(DI), CX // fn
   371	MOVQ	(2*8)(DI), SI // a2
   372	MOVQ	(3*8)(DI), DX // a3
   373	MOVQ	DI, (SP)
   374	MOVQ	(1*8)(DI), DI // a1
   375	XORL	AX, AX	      // vararg: say "no float args"
   377	CALL	CX
   379	MOVQ	(SP), DI
   380	MOVQ	AX, (4*8)(DI) // r1
   381	MOVQ	DX, (5*8)(DI) // r2
   383	// Standard libc functions return -1 on error
   384	// and set errno.
   385	CMPL	AX, $-1	      // Note: high 32 bits are junk
   386	JNE	ok
   388	// Get error code from libc.
   389	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   390	MOVLQSX	(AX), AX
   391	MOVQ	(SP), DI
   392	MOVQ	AX, (6*8)(DI) // err
   395	XORL	AX, AX        // no error (it's ignored anyway)
   396	RET
   398// syscallX calls a function in libc on behalf of the syscall package.
   399// syscallX takes a pointer to a struct like:
   400// struct {
   401//	fn    uintptr
   402//	a1    uintptr
   403//	a2    uintptr
   404//	a3    uintptr
   405//	r1    uintptr
   406//	r2    uintptr
   407//	err   uintptr
   408// }
   409// syscallX must be called on the g0 stack with the
   410// C calling convention (use libcCall).
   412// syscallX is like syscall but expects a 64-bit result
   413// and tests for 64-bit -1 to decide there was an error.
   414TEXT runtime·syscallX(SB),NOSPLIT,$16
   415	MOVQ	(0*8)(DI), CX // fn
   416	MOVQ	(2*8)(DI), SI // a2
   417	MOVQ	(3*8)(DI), DX // a3
   418	MOVQ	DI, (SP)
   419	MOVQ	(1*8)(DI), DI // a1
   420	XORL	AX, AX	      // vararg: say "no float args"
   422	CALL	CX
   424	MOVQ	(SP), DI
   425	MOVQ	AX, (4*8)(DI) // r1
   426	MOVQ	DX, (5*8)(DI) // r2
   428	// Standard libc functions return -1 on error
   429	// and set errno.
   430	CMPQ	AX, $-1
   431	JNE	ok
   433	// Get error code from libc.
   434	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   435	MOVLQSX	(AX), AX
   436	MOVQ	(SP), DI
   437	MOVQ	AX, (6*8)(DI) // err
   440	XORL	AX, AX        // no error (it's ignored anyway)
   441	RET
   443// syscall6 calls a function in libc on behalf of the syscall package.
   444// syscall6 takes a pointer to a struct like:
   445// struct {
   446//	fn    uintptr
   447//	a1    uintptr
   448//	a2    uintptr
   449//	a3    uintptr
   450//	a4    uintptr
   451//	a5    uintptr
   452//	a6    uintptr
   453//	r1    uintptr
   454//	r2    uintptr
   455//	err   uintptr
   456// }
   457// syscall6 must be called on the g0 stack with the
   458// C calling convention (use libcCall).
   460// syscall6 expects a 32-bit result and tests for 32-bit -1
   461// to decide there was an error.
   462TEXT runtime·syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$16
   463	MOVQ	(0*8)(DI), R11// fn
   464	MOVQ	(2*8)(DI), SI // a2
   465	MOVQ	(3*8)(DI), DX // a3
   466	MOVQ	(4*8)(DI), CX // a4
   467	MOVQ	(5*8)(DI), R8 // a5
   468	MOVQ	(6*8)(DI), R9 // a6
   469	MOVQ	DI, (SP)
   470	MOVQ	(1*8)(DI), DI // a1
   471	XORL	AX, AX	      // vararg: say "no float args"
   473	CALL	R11
   475	MOVQ	(SP), DI
   476	MOVQ	AX, (7*8)(DI) // r1
   477	MOVQ	DX, (8*8)(DI) // r2
   479	CMPL	AX, $-1
   480	JNE	ok
   482	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   483	MOVLQSX	(AX), AX
   484	MOVQ	(SP), DI
   485	MOVQ	AX, (9*8)(DI) // err
   488	XORL	AX, AX        // no error (it's ignored anyway)
   489	RET
   491// syscall6X calls a function in libc on behalf of the syscall package.
   492// syscall6X takes a pointer to a struct like:
   493// struct {
   494//	fn    uintptr
   495//	a1    uintptr
   496//	a2    uintptr
   497//	a3    uintptr
   498//	a4    uintptr
   499//	a5    uintptr
   500//	a6    uintptr
   501//	r1    uintptr
   502//	r2    uintptr
   503//	err   uintptr
   504// }
   505// syscall6X must be called on the g0 stack with the
   506// C calling convention (use libcCall).
   508// syscall6X is like syscall6 but expects a 64-bit result
   509// and tests for 64-bit -1 to decide there was an error.
   510TEXT runtime·syscall6X(SB),NOSPLIT,$16
   511	MOVQ	(0*8)(DI), R11// fn
   512	MOVQ	(2*8)(DI), SI // a2
   513	MOVQ	(3*8)(DI), DX // a3
   514	MOVQ	(4*8)(DI), CX // a4
   515	MOVQ	(5*8)(DI), R8 // a5
   516	MOVQ	(6*8)(DI), R9 // a6
   517	MOVQ	DI, (SP)
   518	MOVQ	(1*8)(DI), DI // a1
   519	XORL	AX, AX	      // vararg: say "no float args"
   521	CALL	R11
   523	MOVQ	(SP), DI
   524	MOVQ	AX, (7*8)(DI) // r1
   525	MOVQ	DX, (8*8)(DI) // r2
   527	CMPQ	AX, $-1
   528	JNE	ok
   530	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   531	MOVLQSX	(AX), AX
   532	MOVQ	(SP), DI
   533	MOVQ	AX, (9*8)(DI) // err
   536	XORL	AX, AX        // no error (it's ignored anyway)
   537	RET
   539// syscall10 calls a function in libc on behalf of the syscall package.
   540// syscall10 takes a pointer to a struct like:
   541// struct {
   542//	fn    uintptr
   543//	a1    uintptr
   544//	a2    uintptr
   545//	a3    uintptr
   546//	a4    uintptr
   547//	a5    uintptr
   548//	a6    uintptr
   549//	a7    uintptr
   550//	a8    uintptr
   551//	a9    uintptr
   552//	a10   uintptr
   553//	r1    uintptr
   554//	r2    uintptr
   555//	err   uintptr
   556// }
   557// syscall10 must be called on the g0 stack with the
   558// C calling convention (use libcCall).
   559TEXT runtime·syscall10(SB),NOSPLIT,$48
   560	// Arguments a1 to a6 get passed in registers, with a7 onwards being
   561	// passed via the stack per the x86-64 System V ABI
   562	// (https://github.com/hjl-tools/x86-psABI/wiki/x86-64-psABI-1.0.pdf).
   563	MOVQ	(7*8)(DI), R10	// a7
   564	MOVQ	(8*8)(DI), R11	// a8
   565	MOVQ	(9*8)(DI), R12	// a9
   566	MOVQ	(10*8)(DI), R13	// a10
   567	MOVQ	R10, (0*8)(SP)	// a7
   568	MOVQ	R11, (1*8)(SP)	// a8
   569	MOVQ	R12, (2*8)(SP)	// a9
   570	MOVQ	R13, (3*8)(SP)	// a10
   571	MOVQ	(0*8)(DI), R11	// fn
   572	MOVQ	(2*8)(DI), SI	// a2
   573	MOVQ	(3*8)(DI), DX	// a3
   574	MOVQ	(4*8)(DI), CX	// a4
   575	MOVQ	(5*8)(DI), R8	// a5
   576	MOVQ	(6*8)(DI), R9	// a6
   577	MOVQ	DI, (4*8)(SP)
   578	MOVQ	(1*8)(DI), DI	// a1
   579	XORL	AX, AX	     	// vararg: say "no float args"
   581	CALL	R11
   583	MOVQ	(4*8)(SP), DI
   584	MOVQ	AX, (11*8)(DI) // r1
   585	MOVQ	DX, (12*8)(DI) // r2
   587	CMPL	AX, $-1
   588	JNE	ok
   590	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   591	MOVLQSX	(AX), AX
   592	MOVQ	(4*8)(SP), DI
   593	MOVQ	AX, (13*8)(DI) // err
   596	XORL	AX, AX        // no error (it's ignored anyway)
   597	RET
   599// syscall10X calls a function in libc on behalf of the syscall package.
   600// syscall10X takes a pointer to a struct like:
   601// struct {
   602//	fn    uintptr
   603//	a1    uintptr
   604//	a2    uintptr
   605//	a3    uintptr
   606//	a4    uintptr
   607//	a5    uintptr
   608//	a6    uintptr
   609//	a7    uintptr
   610//	a8    uintptr
   611//	a9    uintptr
   612//	a10   uintptr
   613//	r1    uintptr
   614//	r2    uintptr
   615//	err   uintptr
   616// }
   617// syscall10X must be called on the g0 stack with the
   618// C calling convention (use libcCall).
   620// syscall10X is like syscall10 but expects a 64-bit result
   621// and tests for 64-bit -1 to decide there was an error.
   622TEXT runtime·syscall10X(SB),NOSPLIT,$48
   623	// Arguments a1 to a6 get passed in registers, with a7 onwards being
   624	// passed via the stack per the x86-64 System V ABI
   625	// (https://github.com/hjl-tools/x86-psABI/wiki/x86-64-psABI-1.0.pdf).
   626	MOVQ	(7*8)(DI), R10	// a7
   627	MOVQ	(8*8)(DI), R11	// a8
   628	MOVQ	(9*8)(DI), R12	// a9
   629	MOVQ	(10*8)(DI), R13	// a10
   630	MOVQ	R10, (0*8)(SP)	// a7
   631	MOVQ	R11, (1*8)(SP)	// a8
   632	MOVQ	R12, (2*8)(SP)	// a9
   633	MOVQ	R13, (3*8)(SP)	// a10
   634	MOVQ	(0*8)(DI), R11	// fn
   635	MOVQ	(2*8)(DI), SI	// a2
   636	MOVQ	(3*8)(DI), DX	// a3
   637	MOVQ	(4*8)(DI), CX	// a4
   638	MOVQ	(5*8)(DI), R8	// a5
   639	MOVQ	(6*8)(DI), R9	// a6
   640	MOVQ	DI, (4*8)(SP)
   641	MOVQ	(1*8)(DI), DI	// a1
   642	XORL	AX, AX	     	// vararg: say "no float args"
   644	CALL	R11
   646	MOVQ	(4*8)(SP), DI
   647	MOVQ	AX, (11*8)(DI) // r1
   648	MOVQ	DX, (12*8)(DI) // r2
   650	CMPQ	AX, $-1
   651	JNE	ok
   653	CALL	libc_errno(SB)
   654	MOVLQSX	(AX), AX
   655	MOVQ	(4*8)(SP), DI
   656	MOVQ	AX, (13*8)(DI) // err
   659	XORL	AX, AX        // no error (it's ignored anyway)
   660	RET
   662TEXT runtime·issetugid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   663	MOVQ	DI, BX			// BX is caller-save
   664	CALL	libc_issetugid(SB)
   665	MOVL	AX, 0(BX)		// return value
   666	RET

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