// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package p // Constraint type inference should be independent of the // ordering of the type parameter declarations. Try all // permutations in the test case below. // Permutations produced by https://go.dev/play/p/PHcZNGJTEBZ. func f00[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1 ~byte, E2 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f01[S2 ~[]E2, S1 ~[]E1, E1 ~byte, E2 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f02[E1 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E2 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f03[S1 ~[]E1, E1 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2, E2 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f04[S2 ~[]E2, E1 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1, E2 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f05[E1 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2, S1 ~[]E1, E2 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f06[E2 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2, S1 ~[]E1, E1 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f07[S2 ~[]E2, E2 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1, E1 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f08[S1 ~[]E1, E2 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2, E1 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f09[E2 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f10[S2 ~[]E2, S1 ~[]E1, E2 ~byte, E1 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f11[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E2 ~byte, E1 ~byte](S1, S2) {} func f12[S1 ~[]E1, E1 ~byte, E2 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2](S1, S2) {} func f13[E1 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1, E2 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2](S1, S2) {} func f14[E2 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1, E1 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2](S1, S2) {} func f15[S1 ~[]E1, E2 ~byte, E1 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2](S1, S2) {} func f16[E1 ~byte, E2 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2](S1, S2) {} func f17[E2 ~byte, E1 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2](S1, S2) {} func f18[E2 ~byte, E1 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2, S1 ~[]E1](S1, S2) {} func f19[E1 ~byte, E2 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2, S1 ~[]E1](S1, S2) {} func f20[S2 ~[]E2, E2 ~byte, E1 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1](S1, S2) {} func f21[E2 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2, E1 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1](S1, S2) {} func f22[E1 ~byte, S2 ~[]E2, E2 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1](S1, S2) {} func f23[S2 ~[]E2, E1 ~byte, E2 ~byte, S1 ~[]E1](S1, S2) {} type myByte byte func _(a []byte, b []myByte) { f00(a, b) f01(a, b) f02(a, b) f03(a, b) f04(a, b) f05(a, b) f06(a, b) f07(a, b) f08(a, b) f09(a, b) f10(a, b) f11(a, b) f12(a, b) f13(a, b) f14(a, b) f15(a, b) f16(a, b) f17(a, b) f18(a, b) f19(a, b) f20(a, b) f21(a, b) f22(a, b) f23(a, b) } // Constraint type inference may have to iterate. // Again, the order of the type parameters shouldn't matter. func g0[S ~[]E, M ~map[string]S, E any](m M) {} func g1[M ~map[string]S, S ~[]E, E any](m M) {} func g2[E any, S ~[]E, M ~map[string]S](m M) {} func g3[S ~[]E, E any, M ~map[string]S](m M) {} func g4[M ~map[string]S, E any, S ~[]E](m M) {} func g5[E any, M ~map[string]S, S ~[]E](m M) {} func _(m map[string][]byte) { g0(m) g1(m) g2(m) g3(m) g4(m) g5(m) } // Worst-case scenario. // There are 10 unknown type parameters. In each iteration of // constraint type inference we infer one more, from right to left. // Each iteration looks repeatedly at all 11 type parameters, // requiring a total of 10*11 = 110 iterations with the current // implementation. Pathological case. func h[K any, J ~*K, I ~*J, H ~*I, G ~*H, F ~*G, E ~*F, D ~*E, C ~*D, B ~*C, A ~*B](x A) {} func _(x **********int) { h(x) } // Examples with channel constraints and tilde. func ch1[P chan<- int]() (_ P) { return } // core(P) == chan<- int (single type, no tilde) func ch2[P ~chan int]() { return } // core(P) == ~chan<- int (tilde) func ch3[P chan E, E any](E) { return } // core(P) == chan<- E (single type, no tilde) func ch4[P chan E | ~chan<- E, E any](E) { return } // core(P) == ~chan<- E (tilde) func ch5[P chan int | chan<- int]() { return } // core(P) == chan<- int (not a single type) func _() { // P can be inferred as there's a single specific type and no tilde. var _ chan int = ch1 /* ERRORx `cannot use ch1.*value of type chan<- int` */ () var _ chan<- int = ch1() // P cannot be inferred as there's a tilde. ch2 /* ERROR "cannot infer P" */ () type myChan chan int ch2[myChan]() // P can be inferred as there's a single specific type and no tilde. var e int ch3(e) // P cannot be inferred as there's more than one specific type and a tilde. ch4 /* ERROR "cannot infer P" */ (e) _ = ch4[chan int] // P cannot be inferred as there's more than one specific type. ch5 /* ERROR "cannot infer P" */ () ch5[chan<- int]() } // test case from issue func equal[M1 ~map[K1]V1, M2 ~map[K2]V2, K1, K2 ~uint32, V1, V2 ~string](m1 M1, m2 M2) bool { if len(m1) != len(m2) { return false } for k, v1 := range m1 { if v2, ok := m2[K2(k)]; !ok || V2(v1) != v2 { return false } } return true } func equalFixed[K1, K2 ~uint32, V1, V2 ~string](m1 map[K1]V1, m2 map[K2]V2) bool { if len(m1) != len(m2) { return false } for k, v1 := range m1 { if v2, ok := m2[K2(k)]; !ok || v1 != V1(v2) { return false } } return true } type ( someNumericID uint32 someStringID string ) func _() { foo := map[uint32]string{10: "bar"} bar := map[someNumericID]someStringID{10: "bar"} equal(foo, bar) }