// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package traceviewer import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "internal/trace" "internal/trace/traceviewer/format" "io" "strconv" "time" ) type TraceConsumer struct { ConsumeTimeUnit func(unit string) ConsumeViewerEvent func(v *format.Event, required bool) ConsumeViewerFrame func(key string, f format.Frame) Flush func() } // ViewerDataTraceConsumer returns a TraceConsumer that writes to w. The // startIdx and endIdx are used for splitting large traces. They refer to // indexes in the traceEvents output array, not the events in the trace input. func ViewerDataTraceConsumer(w io.Writer, startIdx, endIdx int64) TraceConsumer { allFrames := make(map[string]format.Frame) requiredFrames := make(map[string]format.Frame) enc := json.NewEncoder(w) written := 0 index := int64(-1) io.WriteString(w, "{") return TraceConsumer{ ConsumeTimeUnit: func(unit string) { io.WriteString(w, `"displayTimeUnit":`) enc.Encode(unit) io.WriteString(w, ",") }, ConsumeViewerEvent: func(v *format.Event, required bool) { index++ if !required && (index < startIdx || index > endIdx) { // not in the range. Skip! return } WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.Stack, func(id int) { s := strconv.Itoa(id) requiredFrames[s] = allFrames[s] }) WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.EndStack, func(id int) { s := strconv.Itoa(id) requiredFrames[s] = allFrames[s] }) if written == 0 { io.WriteString(w, `"traceEvents": [`) } if written > 0 { io.WriteString(w, ",") } enc.Encode(v) // TODO(mknyszek): get rid of the extra \n inserted by enc.Encode. // Same should be applied to splittingTraceConsumer. written++ }, ConsumeViewerFrame: func(k string, v format.Frame) { allFrames[k] = v }, Flush: func() { io.WriteString(w, `], "stackFrames":`) enc.Encode(requiredFrames) io.WriteString(w, `}`) }, } } func SplittingTraceConsumer(max int) (*splitter, TraceConsumer) { type eventSz struct { Time float64 Sz int Frames []int } var ( // data.Frames contains only the frames for required events. data = format.Data{Frames: make(map[string]format.Frame)} allFrames = make(map[string]format.Frame) sizes []eventSz cw countingWriter ) s := new(splitter) return s, TraceConsumer{ ConsumeTimeUnit: func(unit string) { data.TimeUnit = unit }, ConsumeViewerEvent: func(v *format.Event, required bool) { if required { // Store required events inside data so flush // can include them in the required part of the // trace. data.Events = append(data.Events, v) WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.Stack, func(id int) { s := strconv.Itoa(id) data.Frames[s] = allFrames[s] }) WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.EndStack, func(id int) { s := strconv.Itoa(id) data.Frames[s] = allFrames[s] }) return } enc := json.NewEncoder(&cw) enc.Encode(v) size := eventSz{Time: v.Time, Sz: cw.size + 1} // +1 for ",". // Add referenced stack frames. Their size is computed // in flush, where we can dedup across events. WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.Stack, func(id int) { size.Frames = append(size.Frames, id) }) WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.EndStack, func(id int) { size.Frames = append(size.Frames, id) // This may add duplicates. We'll dedup later. }) sizes = append(sizes, size) cw.size = 0 }, ConsumeViewerFrame: func(k string, v format.Frame) { allFrames[k] = v }, Flush: func() { // Calculate size of the mandatory part of the trace. // This includes thread names and stack frames for // required events. cw.size = 0 enc := json.NewEncoder(&cw) enc.Encode(data) requiredSize := cw.size // Then calculate size of each individual event and // their stack frames, grouping them into ranges. We // only include stack frames relevant to the events in // the range to reduce overhead. var ( start = 0 eventsSize = 0 frames = make(map[string]format.Frame) framesSize = 0 ) for i, ev := range sizes { eventsSize += ev.Sz // Add required stack frames. Note that they // may already be in the map. for _, id := range ev.Frames { s := strconv.Itoa(id) _, ok := frames[s] if ok { continue } f := allFrames[s] frames[s] = f framesSize += stackFrameEncodedSize(uint(id), f) } total := requiredSize + framesSize + eventsSize if total < max { continue } // Reached max size, commit this range and // start a new range. startTime := time.Duration(sizes[start].Time * 1000) endTime := time.Duration(ev.Time * 1000) s.Ranges = append(s.Ranges, Range{ Name: fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", startTime, endTime), Start: start, End: i + 1, StartTime: int64(startTime), EndTime: int64(endTime), }) start = i + 1 frames = make(map[string]format.Frame) framesSize = 0 eventsSize = 0 } if len(s.Ranges) <= 1 { s.Ranges = nil return } if end := len(sizes) - 1; start < end { s.Ranges = append(s.Ranges, Range{ Name: fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", time.Duration(sizes[start].Time*1000), time.Duration(sizes[end].Time*1000)), Start: start, End: end, StartTime: int64(sizes[start].Time * 1000), EndTime: int64(sizes[end].Time * 1000), }) } }, } } type splitter struct { Ranges []Range } type countingWriter struct { size int } func (cw *countingWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) { cw.size += len(data) return len(data), nil } func stackFrameEncodedSize(id uint, f format.Frame) int { // We want to know the marginal size of traceviewer.Data.Frames for // each event. Running full JSON encoding of the map for each event is // far too slow. // // Since the format is fixed, we can easily compute the size without // encoding. // // A single entry looks like one of the following: // // "1":{"name":"main.main:30"}, // "10":{"name":"pkg.NewSession:173","parent":9}, // // The parent is omitted if 0. The trailing comma is omitted from the // last entry, but we don't need that much precision. const ( baseSize = len(`"`) + len(`":{"name":"`) + len(`"},`) // Don't count the trailing quote on the name, as that is // counted in baseSize. parentBaseSize = len(`,"parent":`) ) size := baseSize size += len(f.Name) // Bytes for id (always positive). for id > 0 { size += 1 id /= 10 } if f.Parent > 0 { size += parentBaseSize // Bytes for parent (always positive). for f.Parent > 0 { size += 1 f.Parent /= 10 } } return size } // WalkStackFrames calls fn for id and all of its parent frames from allFrames. func WalkStackFrames(allFrames map[string]format.Frame, id int, fn func(id int)) { for id != 0 { f, ok := allFrames[strconv.Itoa(id)] if !ok { break } fn(id) id = f.Parent } } type Mode int const ( ModeGoroutineOriented Mode = 1 << iota ModeTaskOriented ModeThreadOriented // Mutually exclusive with ModeGoroutineOriented. ) // NewEmitter returns a new Emitter that writes to c. The rangeStart and // rangeEnd args are used for splitting large traces. func NewEmitter(c TraceConsumer, rangeStart, rangeEnd time.Duration) *Emitter { c.ConsumeTimeUnit("ns") return &Emitter{ c: c, rangeStart: rangeStart, rangeEnd: rangeEnd, frameTree: frameNode{children: make(map[uint64]frameNode)}, resources: make(map[uint64]string), tasks: make(map[uint64]task), } } type Emitter struct { c TraceConsumer rangeStart time.Duration rangeEnd time.Duration heapStats, prevHeapStats heapStats gstates, prevGstates [gStateCount]int64 threadStats, prevThreadStats [threadStateCount]int64 gomaxprocs uint64 frameTree frameNode frameSeq int arrowSeq uint64 filter func(uint64) bool resourceType string resources map[uint64]string focusResource uint64 tasks map[uint64]task asyncSliceSeq uint64 } type task struct { name string sortIndex int } func (e *Emitter) Gomaxprocs(v uint64) { if v > e.gomaxprocs { e.gomaxprocs = v } } func (e *Emitter) Resource(id uint64, name string) { if e.filter != nil && !e.filter(id) { return } e.resources[id] = name } func (e *Emitter) SetResourceType(name string) { e.resourceType = name } func (e *Emitter) SetResourceFilter(filter func(uint64) bool) { e.filter = filter } func (e *Emitter) Task(id uint64, name string, sortIndex int) { e.tasks[id] = task{name, sortIndex} } func (e *Emitter) Slice(s SliceEvent) { if e.filter != nil && !e.filter(s.Resource) { return } e.slice(s, format.ProcsSection, "") } func (e *Emitter) TaskSlice(s SliceEvent) { e.slice(s, format.TasksSection, pickTaskColor(s.Resource)) } func (e *Emitter) slice(s SliceEvent, sectionID uint64, cname string) { if !e.tsWithinRange(s.Ts) && !e.tsWithinRange(s.Ts+s.Dur) { return } e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Name: s.Name, Phase: "X", Time: viewerTime(s.Ts), Dur: viewerTime(s.Dur), PID: sectionID, TID: s.Resource, Stack: s.Stack, EndStack: s.EndStack, Arg: s.Arg, Cname: cname, }) } type SliceEvent struct { Name string Ts time.Duration Dur time.Duration Resource uint64 Stack int EndStack int Arg any } func (e *Emitter) AsyncSlice(s AsyncSliceEvent) { if !e.tsWithinRange(s.Ts) && !e.tsWithinRange(s.Ts+s.Dur) { return } if e.filter != nil && !e.filter(s.Resource) { return } cname := "" if s.TaskColorIndex != 0 { cname = pickTaskColor(s.TaskColorIndex) } e.asyncSliceSeq++ e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Category: s.Category, Name: s.Name, Phase: "b", Time: viewerTime(s.Ts), TID: s.Resource, ID: e.asyncSliceSeq, Scope: s.Scope, Stack: s.Stack, Cname: cname, }) e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Category: s.Category, Name: s.Name, Phase: "e", Time: viewerTime(s.Ts + s.Dur), TID: s.Resource, ID: e.asyncSliceSeq, Scope: s.Scope, Stack: s.EndStack, Arg: s.Arg, Cname: cname, }) } type AsyncSliceEvent struct { SliceEvent Category string Scope string TaskColorIndex uint64 // Take on the same color as the task with this ID. } func (e *Emitter) Instant(i InstantEvent) { if !e.tsWithinRange(i.Ts) { return } if e.filter != nil && !e.filter(i.Resource) { return } cname := "" e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Name: i.Name, Category: i.Category, Phase: "I", Scope: "t", Time: viewerTime(i.Ts), PID: format.ProcsSection, TID: i.Resource, Stack: i.Stack, Cname: cname, Arg: i.Arg, }) } type InstantEvent struct { Ts time.Duration Name string Category string Resource uint64 Stack int Arg any } func (e *Emitter) Arrow(a ArrowEvent) { if e.filter != nil && (!e.filter(a.FromResource) || !e.filter(a.ToResource)) { return } e.arrow(a, format.ProcsSection) } func (e *Emitter) TaskArrow(a ArrowEvent) { e.arrow(a, format.TasksSection) } func (e *Emitter) arrow(a ArrowEvent, sectionID uint64) { if !e.tsWithinRange(a.Start) || !e.tsWithinRange(a.End) { return } e.arrowSeq++ e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Name: a.Name, Phase: "s", TID: a.FromResource, PID: sectionID, ID: e.arrowSeq, Time: viewerTime(a.Start), Stack: a.FromStack, }) e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Name: a.Name, Phase: "t", TID: a.ToResource, PID: sectionID, ID: e.arrowSeq, Time: viewerTime(a.End), }) } type ArrowEvent struct { Name string Start time.Duration End time.Duration FromResource uint64 FromStack int ToResource uint64 } func (e *Emitter) Event(ev *format.Event) { e.c.ConsumeViewerEvent(ev, true) } func (e *Emitter) HeapAlloc(ts time.Duration, v uint64) { e.heapStats.heapAlloc = v e.emitHeapCounters(ts) } func (e *Emitter) Focus(id uint64) { e.focusResource = id } func (e *Emitter) GoroutineTransition(ts time.Duration, from, to GState) { e.gstates[from]-- e.gstates[to]++ if e.prevGstates == e.gstates { return } if e.tsWithinRange(ts) { e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Name: "Goroutines", Phase: "C", Time: viewerTime(ts), PID: 1, Arg: &format.GoroutineCountersArg{ Running: uint64(e.gstates[GRunning]), Runnable: uint64(e.gstates[GRunnable]), GCWaiting: uint64(e.gstates[GWaitingGC]), }, }) } e.prevGstates = e.gstates } func (e *Emitter) IncThreadStateCount(ts time.Duration, state ThreadState, delta int64) { e.threadStats[state] += delta if e.prevThreadStats == e.threadStats { return } if e.tsWithinRange(ts) { e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Name: "Threads", Phase: "C", Time: viewerTime(ts), PID: 1, Arg: &format.ThreadCountersArg{ Running: int64(e.threadStats[ThreadStateRunning]), InSyscall: int64(e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscall]), // TODO(mknyszek): Why is InSyscallRuntime not included here? }, }) } e.prevThreadStats = e.threadStats } func (e *Emitter) HeapGoal(ts time.Duration, v uint64) { // This cutoff at 1 PiB is a Workaround for https://github.com/golang/go/issues/63864. // // TODO(mknyszek): Remove this once the problem has been fixed. const PB = 1 << 50 if v > PB { v = 0 } e.heapStats.nextGC = v e.emitHeapCounters(ts) } func (e *Emitter) emitHeapCounters(ts time.Duration) { if e.prevHeapStats == e.heapStats { return } diff := uint64(0) if e.heapStats.nextGC > e.heapStats.heapAlloc { diff = e.heapStats.nextGC - e.heapStats.heapAlloc } if e.tsWithinRange(ts) { e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{ Name: "Heap", Phase: "C", Time: viewerTime(ts), PID: 1, Arg: &format.HeapCountersArg{Allocated: e.heapStats.heapAlloc, NextGC: diff}, }) } e.prevHeapStats = e.heapStats } // Err returns an error if the emitter is in an invalid state. func (e *Emitter) Err() error { if e.gstates[GRunnable] < 0 || e.gstates[GRunning] < 0 || e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscall] < 0 || e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscallRuntime] < 0 { return fmt.Errorf( "runnable=%d running=%d insyscall=%d insyscallRuntime=%d", e.gstates[GRunnable], e.gstates[GRunning], e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscall], e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscallRuntime], ) } return nil } func (e *Emitter) tsWithinRange(ts time.Duration) bool { return e.rangeStart <= ts && ts <= e.rangeEnd } // OptionalEvent emits ev if it's within the time range of of the consumer, i.e. // the selected trace split range. func (e *Emitter) OptionalEvent(ev *format.Event) { e.c.ConsumeViewerEvent(ev, false) } func (e *Emitter) Flush() { e.processMeta(format.StatsSection, "STATS", 0) if len(e.tasks) != 0 { e.processMeta(format.TasksSection, "TASKS", 1) } for id, task := range e.tasks { e.threadMeta(format.TasksSection, id, task.name, task.sortIndex) } e.processMeta(format.ProcsSection, e.resourceType, 2) e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, trace.GCP, "GC", -6) e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, trace.NetpollP, "Network", -5) e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, trace.TimerP, "Timers", -4) e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, trace.SyscallP, "Syscalls", -3) for id, name := range e.resources { priority := int(id) if e.focusResource != 0 && id == e.focusResource { // Put the focus goroutine on top. priority = -2 } e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, id, name, priority) } e.c.Flush() } func (e *Emitter) threadMeta(sectionID, tid uint64, name string, priority int) { e.Event(&format.Event{ Name: "thread_name", Phase: "M", PID: sectionID, TID: tid, Arg: &format.NameArg{Name: name}, }) e.Event(&format.Event{ Name: "thread_sort_index", Phase: "M", PID: sectionID, TID: tid, Arg: &format.SortIndexArg{Index: priority}, }) } func (e *Emitter) processMeta(sectionID uint64, name string, priority int) { e.Event(&format.Event{ Name: "process_name", Phase: "M", PID: sectionID, Arg: &format.NameArg{Name: name}, }) e.Event(&format.Event{ Name: "process_sort_index", Phase: "M", PID: sectionID, Arg: &format.SortIndexArg{Index: priority}, }) } // Stack emits the given frames and returns a unique id for the stack. No // pointers to the given data are being retained beyond the call to Stack. func (e *Emitter) Stack(stk []*trace.Frame) int { return e.buildBranch(e.frameTree, stk) } // buildBranch builds one branch in the prefix tree rooted at ctx.frameTree. func (e *Emitter) buildBranch(parent frameNode, stk []*trace.Frame) int { if len(stk) == 0 { return parent.id } last := len(stk) - 1 frame := stk[last] stk = stk[:last] node, ok := parent.children[frame.PC] if !ok { e.frameSeq++ node.id = e.frameSeq node.children = make(map[uint64]frameNode) parent.children[frame.PC] = node e.c.ConsumeViewerFrame(strconv.Itoa(node.id), format.Frame{Name: fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", frame.Fn, frame.Line), Parent: parent.id}) } return e.buildBranch(node, stk) } type heapStats struct { heapAlloc uint64 nextGC uint64 } func viewerTime(t time.Duration) float64 { return float64(t) / float64(time.Microsecond) } type GState int const ( GDead GState = iota GRunnable GRunning GWaiting GWaitingGC gStateCount ) type ThreadState int const ( ThreadStateInSyscall ThreadState = iota ThreadStateInSyscallRuntime ThreadStateRunning threadStateCount ) type frameNode struct { id int children map[uint64]frameNode } // Mapping from more reasonable color names to the reserved color names in // https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/blob/master/tracing/tracing/base/color_scheme.html#L50 // The chrome trace viewer allows only those as cname values. const ( colorLightMauve = "thread_state_uninterruptible" // 182, 125, 143 colorOrange = "thread_state_iowait" // 255, 140, 0 colorSeafoamGreen = "thread_state_running" // 126, 200, 148 colorVistaBlue = "thread_state_runnable" // 133, 160, 210 colorTan = "thread_state_unknown" // 199, 155, 125 colorIrisBlue = "background_memory_dump" // 0, 180, 180 colorMidnightBlue = "light_memory_dump" // 0, 0, 180 colorDeepMagenta = "detailed_memory_dump" // 180, 0, 180 colorBlue = "vsync_highlight_color" // 0, 0, 255 colorGrey = "generic_work" // 125, 125, 125 colorGreen = "good" // 0, 125, 0 colorDarkGoldenrod = "bad" // 180, 125, 0 colorPeach = "terrible" // 180, 0, 0 colorBlack = "black" // 0, 0, 0 colorLightGrey = "grey" // 221, 221, 221 colorWhite = "white" // 255, 255, 255 colorYellow = "yellow" // 255, 255, 0 colorOlive = "olive" // 100, 100, 0 colorCornflowerBlue = "rail_response" // 67, 135, 253 colorSunsetOrange = "rail_animation" // 244, 74, 63 colorTangerine = "rail_idle" // 238, 142, 0 colorShamrockGreen = "rail_load" // 13, 168, 97 colorGreenishYellow = "startup" // 230, 230, 0 colorDarkGrey = "heap_dump_stack_frame" // 128, 128, 128 colorTawny = "heap_dump_child_node_arrow" // 204, 102, 0 colorLemon = "cq_build_running" // 255, 255, 119 colorLime = "cq_build_passed" // 153, 238, 102 colorPink = "cq_build_failed" // 238, 136, 136 colorSilver = "cq_build_abandoned" // 187, 187, 187 colorManzGreen = "cq_build_attempt_runnig" // 222, 222, 75 colorKellyGreen = "cq_build_attempt_passed" // 108, 218, 35 colorAnotherGrey = "cq_build_attempt_failed" // 187, 187, 187 ) var colorForTask = []string{ colorLightMauve, colorOrange, colorSeafoamGreen, colorVistaBlue, colorTan, colorMidnightBlue, colorIrisBlue, colorDeepMagenta, colorGreen, colorDarkGoldenrod, colorPeach, colorOlive, colorCornflowerBlue, colorSunsetOrange, colorTangerine, colorShamrockGreen, colorTawny, colorLemon, colorLime, colorPink, colorSilver, colorManzGreen, colorKellyGreen, } func pickTaskColor(id uint64) string { idx := id % uint64(len(colorForTask)) return colorForTask[idx] }