-- input -- See the [Go home page] and the [pkg site]. [Go home page]: https://go.dev/ [pkg site]: https://pkg.go.dev [Go home page]: https://duplicate.ignored They're really great! -- gofmt -- See the [Go home page] and the [pkg site]. They're really great! [Go home page]: https://go.dev/ [pkg site]: https://pkg.go.dev [Go home page]: https://duplicate.ignored -- text -- See the Go home page and the pkg site. They're really great! [Go home page]: https://go.dev/ [pkg site]: https://pkg.go.dev -- markdown -- See the [Go home page](https://go.dev/) and the [pkg site](https://pkg.go.dev). They're really great! -- html --

See the Go home page and the pkg site.

They're really great!