// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package embedtest import ( "embed" "io" "reflect" "testing" "testing/fstest" ) //go:embed testdata/h*.txt //go:embed c*.txt testdata/g*.txt var global embed.FS //go:embed c*txt var concurrency string //go:embed testdata/g*.txt var glass []byte func testFiles(t *testing.T, f embed.FS, name, data string) { t.Helper() d, err := f.ReadFile(name) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if string(d) != data { t.Errorf("read %v = %q, want %q", name, d, data) } } func testString(t *testing.T, s, name, data string) { t.Helper() if s != data { t.Errorf("%v = %q, want %q", name, s, data) } } func testDir(t *testing.T, f embed.FS, name string, expect ...string) { t.Helper() dirs, err := f.ReadDir(name) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } var names []string for _, d := range dirs { name := d.Name() if d.IsDir() { name += "/" } names = append(names, name) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(names, expect) { t.Errorf("readdir %v = %v, want %v", name, names, expect) } } // Tests for issue 49514. var _ = '"' var _ = '\'' var _ = '🦆' func TestGlobal(t *testing.T) { testFiles(t, global, "concurrency.txt", "Concurrency is not parallelism.\n") testFiles(t, global, "testdata/hello.txt", "hello, world\n") testFiles(t, global, "testdata/glass.txt", "I can eat glass and it doesn't hurt me.\n") if err := fstest.TestFS(global, "concurrency.txt", "testdata/hello.txt"); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } testString(t, concurrency, "concurrency", "Concurrency is not parallelism.\n") testString(t, string(glass), "glass", "I can eat glass and it doesn't hurt me.\n") } //go:embed testdata var testDirAll embed.FS func TestDir(t *testing.T) { all := testDirAll testFiles(t, all, "testdata/hello.txt", "hello, world\n") testFiles(t, all, "testdata/i/i18n.txt", "internationalization\n") testFiles(t, all, "testdata/i/j/k/k8s.txt", "kubernetes\n") testFiles(t, all, "testdata/ken.txt", "If a program is too slow, it must have a loop.\n") testDir(t, all, ".", "testdata/") testDir(t, all, "testdata/i", "i18n.txt", "j/") testDir(t, all, "testdata/i/j", "k/") testDir(t, all, "testdata/i/j/k", "k8s.txt") } var ( //go:embed testdata testHiddenDir embed.FS //go:embed testdata/* testHiddenStar embed.FS ) func TestHidden(t *testing.T) { dir := testHiddenDir star := testHiddenStar t.Logf("//go:embed testdata") testDir(t, dir, "testdata", "-not-hidden/", "ascii.txt", "glass.txt", "hello.txt", "i/", "ken.txt") t.Logf("//go:embed testdata/*") testDir(t, star, "testdata", "-not-hidden/", ".hidden/", "_hidden/", "ascii.txt", "glass.txt", "hello.txt", "i/", "ken.txt") testDir(t, star, "testdata/.hidden", "fortune.txt", "more/") // but not .more or _more } func TestUninitialized(t *testing.T) { var uninitialized embed.FS testDir(t, uninitialized, ".") f, err := uninitialized.Open(".") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer f.Close() fi, err := f.Stat() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !fi.IsDir() { t.Errorf("in uninitialized embed.FS, . is not a directory") } } var ( //go:embed "testdata/hello.txt" helloT []T //go:embed "testdata/hello.txt" helloUint8 []uint8 //go:embed "testdata/hello.txt" helloEUint8 []EmbedUint8 //go:embed "testdata/hello.txt" helloBytes EmbedBytes //go:embed "testdata/hello.txt" helloString EmbedString ) type T byte type EmbedUint8 uint8 type EmbedBytes []byte type EmbedString string // golang.org/issue/47735 func TestAliases(t *testing.T) { all := testDirAll want, e := all.ReadFile("testdata/hello.txt") if e != nil { t.Fatal("ReadFile:", e) } check := func(g any) { got := reflect.ValueOf(g) for i := 0; i < got.Len(); i++ { if byte(got.Index(i).Uint()) != want[i] { t.Fatalf("got %v want %v", got.Bytes(), want) } } } check(helloT) check(helloUint8) check(helloEUint8) check(helloBytes) check(helloString) } func TestOffset(t *testing.T) { file, err := testDirAll.Open("testdata/hello.txt") if err != nil { t.Fatal("Open:", err) } want := "hello, world\n" // Read the entire file. got := make([]byte, len(want)) n, err := file.Read(got) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Read:", err) } if n != len(want) { t.Fatal("Read:", n) } if string(got) != want { t.Fatalf("Read: %q", got) } // Try to read one byte; confirm we're at the EOF. var buf [1]byte n, err = file.Read(buf[:]) if err != io.EOF { t.Fatal("Read:", err) } if n != 0 { t.Fatal("Read:", n) } // Use seek to get the offset at the EOF. seeker := file.(io.Seeker) off, err := seeker.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Seek:", err) } if off != int64(len(want)) { t.Fatal("Seek:", off) } // Use ReadAt to read the entire file, ignoring the offset. at := file.(io.ReaderAt) got = make([]byte, len(want)) n, err = at.ReadAt(got, 0) if err != nil { t.Fatal("ReadAt:", err) } if n != len(want) { t.Fatalf("ReadAt: got %d bytes, want %d bytes", n, len(want)) } if string(got) != want { t.Fatalf("ReadAt: got %q, want %q", got, want) } // Use ReadAt with non-zero offset. off = int64(7) want = want[off:] got = make([]byte, len(want)) n, err = at.ReadAt(got, off) if err != nil { t.Fatal("ReadAt:", err) } if n != len(want) { t.Fatalf("ReadAt: got %d bytes, want %d bytes", n, len(want)) } if string(got) != want { t.Fatalf("ReadAt: got %q, want %q", got, want) } }