
Text file src/cmd/go/testdata/script/mod_get_patterns.txt

Documentation: cmd/go/testdata/script

     1env GO111MODULE=on
     2[short] skip
     4# If a pattern doesn't match any packages provided by modules
     5# in the build list, we assume the pattern matches a single module
     6# whose path is a prefix of the part of the pattern before "...".
     7cp go.mod.orig go.mod
     8go get rsc.io/quote/...
     9grep 'require rsc.io/quote' go.mod
    11cp go.mod.orig go.mod
    12! go get rsc.io/quote/x...
    13stderr 'go: module rsc.io/quote@upgrade found \(v1.5.2\), but does not contain packages matching rsc.io/quote/x...'
    14! grep 'require rsc.io/quote' go.mod
    16! go get rsc.io/quote/x/...
    17stderr 'go: module rsc.io/quote@upgrade found \(v1.5.2\), but does not contain packages matching rsc.io/quote/x/...'
    18! grep 'require rsc.io/quote' go.mod
    20# If a pattern matches no packages within a module, the module should not
    21# be upgraded, even if the module path is a prefix of the pattern.
    22cp go.mod.orig go.mod
    23go mod edit -require example.com/nest@v1.0.0
    24go get example.com/nest/sub/y...
    25grep 'example.com/nest/sub v1.0.0' go.mod
    26grep 'example.com/nest v1.0.0' go.mod
    28# However, if the pattern matches the module path itself, the module
    29# should be upgraded even if it contains no matching packages.
    30go get example.com/n...t
    31grep 'example.com/nest v1.1.0' go.mod
    32grep 'example.com/nest/sub v1.0.0' go.mod
    34-- go.mod.orig --
    35module m
    37go 1.13
    39-- use/use.go --
    40package use
    42import _ "rsc.io/quote"

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