// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This file implements testing support. package syntax import ( "io" "regexp" ) // CommentsDo parses the given source and calls the provided handler for each // comment or error. If the text provided to handler starts with a '/' it is // the comment text; otherwise it is the error message. func CommentsDo(src io.Reader, handler func(line, col uint, text string)) { var s scanner s.init(src, handler, comments) for s.tok != _EOF { s.next() } } // CommentMap collects all comments in the given src with comment text // that matches the supplied regular expression rx and returns them as // []Error lists in a map indexed by line number. The comment text is // the comment with any comment markers ("//", "/*", or "*/") stripped. // The position for each Error is the position of the token immediately // preceding the comment and the Error message is the comment text, // with all comments that are on the same line collected in a slice, in // source order. If there is no preceding token (the matching comment // appears at the beginning of the file), then the recorded position // is unknown (line, col = 0, 0). If there are no matching comments, // the result is nil. func CommentMap(src io.Reader, rx *regexp.Regexp) (res map[uint][]Error) { // position of previous token var base *PosBase var prev struct{ line, col uint } var s scanner s.init(src, func(_, _ uint, text string) { if text[0] != '/' { return // not a comment, ignore } if text[1] == '*' { text = text[:len(text)-2] // strip trailing */ } text = text[2:] // strip leading // or /* if rx.MatchString(text) { pos := MakePos(base, prev.line, prev.col) err := Error{pos, text} if res == nil { res = make(map[uint][]Error) } res[prev.line] = append(res[prev.line], err) } }, comments) for s.tok != _EOF { s.next() if s.tok == _Semi && s.lit != "semicolon" { continue // ignore automatically inserted semicolons } prev.line, prev.col = s.line, s.col } return }