// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This file implements scanner, a lexical tokenizer for // Go source. After initialization, consecutive calls of // next advance the scanner one token at a time. // // This file, source.go, tokens.go, and token_string.go are self-contained // (`go tool compile scanner.go source.go tokens.go token_string.go` compiles) // and thus could be made into their own package. package syntax import ( "fmt" "io" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" ) // The mode flags below control which comments are reported // by calling the error handler. If no flag is set, comments // are ignored. const ( comments uint = 1 << iota // call handler for all comments directives // call handler for directives only ) type scanner struct { source mode uint nlsemi bool // if set '\n' and EOF translate to ';' // current token, valid after calling next() line, col uint blank bool // line is blank up to col tok token lit string // valid if tok is _Name, _Literal, or _Semi ("semicolon", "newline", or "EOF"); may be malformed if bad is true bad bool // valid if tok is _Literal, true if a syntax error occurred, lit may be malformed kind LitKind // valid if tok is _Literal op Operator // valid if tok is _Operator, _Star, _AssignOp, or _IncOp prec int // valid if tok is _Operator, _Star, _AssignOp, or _IncOp } func (s *scanner) init(src io.Reader, errh func(line, col uint, msg string), mode uint) { s.source.init(src, errh) s.mode = mode s.nlsemi = false } // errorf reports an error at the most recently read character position. func (s *scanner) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) { s.error(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } // errorAtf reports an error at a byte column offset relative to the current token start. func (s *scanner) errorAtf(offset int, format string, args ...interface{}) { s.errh(s.line, s.col+uint(offset), fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } // setLit sets the scanner state for a recognized _Literal token. func (s *scanner) setLit(kind LitKind, ok bool) { s.nlsemi = true s.tok = _Literal s.lit = string(s.segment()) s.bad = !ok s.kind = kind } // next advances the scanner by reading the next token. // // If a read, source encoding, or lexical error occurs, next calls // the installed error handler with the respective error position // and message. The error message is guaranteed to be non-empty and // never starts with a '/'. The error handler must exist. // // If the scanner mode includes the comments flag and a comment // (including comments containing directives) is encountered, the // error handler is also called with each comment position and text // (including opening /* or // and closing */, but without a newline // at the end of line comments). Comment text always starts with a / // which can be used to distinguish these handler calls from errors. // // If the scanner mode includes the directives (but not the comments) // flag, only comments containing a //line, /*line, or //go: directive // are reported, in the same way as regular comments. func (s *scanner) next() { nlsemi := s.nlsemi s.nlsemi = false redo: // skip white space s.stop() startLine, startCol := s.pos() for s.ch == ' ' || s.ch == '\t' || s.ch == '\n' && !nlsemi || s.ch == '\r' { s.nextch() } // token start s.line, s.col = s.pos() s.blank = s.line > startLine || startCol == colbase s.start() if isLetter(s.ch) || s.ch >= utf8.RuneSelf && s.atIdentChar(true) { s.nextch() s.ident() return } switch s.ch { case -1: if nlsemi { s.lit = "EOF" s.tok = _Semi break } s.tok = _EOF case '\n': s.nextch() s.lit = "newline" s.tok = _Semi case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': s.number(false) case '"': s.stdString() case '`': s.rawString() case '\'': s.rune() case '(': s.nextch() s.tok = _Lparen case '[': s.nextch() s.tok = _Lbrack case '{': s.nextch() s.tok = _Lbrace case ',': s.nextch() s.tok = _Comma case ';': s.nextch() s.lit = "semicolon" s.tok = _Semi case ')': s.nextch() s.nlsemi = true s.tok = _Rparen case ']': s.nextch() s.nlsemi = true s.tok = _Rbrack case '}': s.nextch() s.nlsemi = true s.tok = _Rbrace case ':': s.nextch() if s.ch == '=' { s.nextch() s.tok = _Define break } s.tok = _Colon case '.': s.nextch() if isDecimal(s.ch) { s.number(true) break } if s.ch == '.' { s.nextch() if s.ch == '.' { s.nextch() s.tok = _DotDotDot break } s.rewind() // now s.ch holds 1st '.' s.nextch() // consume 1st '.' again } s.tok = _Dot case '+': s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Add, precAdd if s.ch != '+' { goto assignop } s.nextch() s.nlsemi = true s.tok = _IncOp case '-': s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Sub, precAdd if s.ch != '-' { goto assignop } s.nextch() s.nlsemi = true s.tok = _IncOp case '*': s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Mul, precMul // don't goto assignop - want _Star token if s.ch == '=' { s.nextch() s.tok = _AssignOp break } s.tok = _Star case '/': s.nextch() if s.ch == '/' { s.nextch() s.lineComment() goto redo } if s.ch == '*' { s.nextch() s.fullComment() if line, _ := s.pos(); line > s.line && nlsemi { // A multi-line comment acts like a newline; // it translates to a ';' if nlsemi is set. s.lit = "newline" s.tok = _Semi break } goto redo } s.op, s.prec = Div, precMul goto assignop case '%': s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Rem, precMul goto assignop case '&': s.nextch() if s.ch == '&' { s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = AndAnd, precAndAnd s.tok = _Operator break } s.op, s.prec = And, precMul if s.ch == '^' { s.nextch() s.op = AndNot } goto assignop case '|': s.nextch() if s.ch == '|' { s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = OrOr, precOrOr s.tok = _Operator break } s.op, s.prec = Or, precAdd goto assignop case '^': s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Xor, precAdd goto assignop case '<': s.nextch() if s.ch == '=' { s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Leq, precCmp s.tok = _Operator break } if s.ch == '<' { s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Shl, precMul goto assignop } if s.ch == '-' { s.nextch() s.tok = _Arrow break } s.op, s.prec = Lss, precCmp s.tok = _Operator case '>': s.nextch() if s.ch == '=' { s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Geq, precCmp s.tok = _Operator break } if s.ch == '>' { s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Shr, precMul goto assignop } s.op, s.prec = Gtr, precCmp s.tok = _Operator case '=': s.nextch() if s.ch == '=' { s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Eql, precCmp s.tok = _Operator break } s.tok = _Assign case '!': s.nextch() if s.ch == '=' { s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Neq, precCmp s.tok = _Operator break } s.op, s.prec = Not, 0 s.tok = _Operator case '~': s.nextch() s.op, s.prec = Tilde, 0 s.tok = _Operator default: s.errorf("invalid character %#U", s.ch) s.nextch() goto redo } return assignop: if s.ch == '=' { s.nextch() s.tok = _AssignOp return } s.tok = _Operator } func (s *scanner) ident() { // accelerate common case (7bit ASCII) for isLetter(s.ch) || isDecimal(s.ch) { s.nextch() } // general case if s.ch >= utf8.RuneSelf { for s.atIdentChar(false) { s.nextch() } } // possibly a keyword lit := s.segment() if len(lit) >= 2 { if tok := keywordMap[hash(lit)]; tok != 0 && tokStrFast(tok) == string(lit) { s.nlsemi = contains(1<<_Break|1<<_Continue|1<<_Fallthrough|1<<_Return, tok) s.tok = tok return } } s.nlsemi = true s.lit = string(lit) s.tok = _Name } // tokStrFast is a faster version of token.String, which assumes that tok // is one of the valid tokens - and can thus skip bounds checks. func tokStrFast(tok token) string { return _token_name[_token_index[tok-1]:_token_index[tok]] } func (s *scanner) atIdentChar(first bool) bool { switch { case unicode.IsLetter(s.ch) || s.ch == '_': // ok case unicode.IsDigit(s.ch): if first { s.errorf("identifier cannot begin with digit %#U", s.ch) } case s.ch >= utf8.RuneSelf: s.errorf("invalid character %#U in identifier", s.ch) default: return false } return true } // hash is a perfect hash function for keywords. // It assumes that s has at least length 2. func hash(s []byte) uint { return (uint(s[0])<<4 ^ uint(s[1]) + uint(len(s))) & uint(len(keywordMap)-1) } var keywordMap [1 << 6]token // size must be power of two func init() { // populate keywordMap for tok := _Break; tok <= _Var; tok++ { h := hash([]byte(tok.String())) if keywordMap[h] != 0 { panic("imperfect hash") } keywordMap[h] = tok } } func lower(ch rune) rune { return ('a' - 'A') | ch } // returns lower-case ch iff ch is ASCII letter func isLetter(ch rune) bool { return 'a' <= lower(ch) && lower(ch) <= 'z' || ch == '_' } func isDecimal(ch rune) bool { return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' } func isHex(ch rune) bool { return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' || 'a' <= lower(ch) && lower(ch) <= 'f' } // digits accepts the sequence { digit | '_' }. // If base <= 10, digits accepts any decimal digit but records // the index (relative to the literal start) of a digit >= base // in *invalid, if *invalid < 0. // digits returns a bitset describing whether the sequence contained // digits (bit 0 is set), or separators '_' (bit 1 is set). func (s *scanner) digits(base int, invalid *int) (digsep int) { if base <= 10 { max := rune('0' + base) for isDecimal(s.ch) || s.ch == '_' { ds := 1 if s.ch == '_' { ds = 2 } else if s.ch >= max && *invalid < 0 { _, col := s.pos() *invalid = int(col - s.col) // record invalid rune index } digsep |= ds s.nextch() } } else { for isHex(s.ch) || s.ch == '_' { ds := 1 if s.ch == '_' { ds = 2 } digsep |= ds s.nextch() } } return } func (s *scanner) number(seenPoint bool) { ok := true kind := IntLit base := 10 // number base prefix := rune(0) // one of 0 (decimal), '0' (0-octal), 'x', 'o', or 'b' digsep := 0 // bit 0: digit present, bit 1: '_' present invalid := -1 // index of invalid digit in literal, or < 0 // integer part if !seenPoint { if s.ch == '0' { s.nextch() switch lower(s.ch) { case 'x': s.nextch() base, prefix = 16, 'x' case 'o': s.nextch() base, prefix = 8, 'o' case 'b': s.nextch() base, prefix = 2, 'b' default: base, prefix = 8, '0' digsep = 1 // leading 0 } } digsep |= s.digits(base, &invalid) if s.ch == '.' { if prefix == 'o' || prefix == 'b' { s.errorf("invalid radix point in %s literal", baseName(base)) ok = false } s.nextch() seenPoint = true } } // fractional part if seenPoint { kind = FloatLit digsep |= s.digits(base, &invalid) } if digsep&1 == 0 && ok { s.errorf("%s literal has no digits", baseName(base)) ok = false } // exponent if e := lower(s.ch); e == 'e' || e == 'p' { if ok { switch { case e == 'e' && prefix != 0 && prefix != '0': s.errorf("%q exponent requires decimal mantissa", s.ch) ok = false case e == 'p' && prefix != 'x': s.errorf("%q exponent requires hexadecimal mantissa", s.ch) ok = false } } s.nextch() kind = FloatLit if s.ch == '+' || s.ch == '-' { s.nextch() } digsep = s.digits(10, nil) | digsep&2 // don't lose sep bit if digsep&1 == 0 && ok { s.errorf("exponent has no digits") ok = false } } else if prefix == 'x' && kind == FloatLit && ok { s.errorf("hexadecimal mantissa requires a 'p' exponent") ok = false } // suffix 'i' if s.ch == 'i' { kind = ImagLit s.nextch() } s.setLit(kind, ok) // do this now so we can use s.lit below if kind == IntLit && invalid >= 0 && ok { s.errorAtf(invalid, "invalid digit %q in %s literal", s.lit[invalid], baseName(base)) ok = false } if digsep&2 != 0 && ok { if i := invalidSep(s.lit); i >= 0 { s.errorAtf(i, "'_' must separate successive digits") ok = false } } s.bad = !ok // correct s.bad } func baseName(base int) string { switch base { case 2: return "binary" case 8: return "octal" case 10: return "decimal" case 16: return "hexadecimal" } panic("invalid base") } // invalidSep returns the index of the first invalid separator in x, or -1. func invalidSep(x string) int { x1 := ' ' // prefix char, we only care if it's 'x' d := '.' // digit, one of '_', '0' (a digit), or '.' (anything else) i := 0 // a prefix counts as a digit if len(x) >= 2 && x[0] == '0' { x1 = lower(rune(x[1])) if x1 == 'x' || x1 == 'o' || x1 == 'b' { d = '0' i = 2 } } // mantissa and exponent for ; i < len(x); i++ { p := d // previous digit d = rune(x[i]) switch { case d == '_': if p != '0' { return i } case isDecimal(d) || x1 == 'x' && isHex(d): d = '0' default: if p == '_' { return i - 1 } d = '.' } } if d == '_' { return len(x) - 1 } return -1 } func (s *scanner) rune() { ok := true s.nextch() n := 0 for ; ; n++ { if s.ch == '\'' { if ok { if n == 0 { s.errorf("empty rune literal or unescaped '") ok = false } else if n != 1 { s.errorAtf(0, "more than one character in rune literal") ok = false } } s.nextch() break } if s.ch == '\\' { s.nextch() if !s.escape('\'') { ok = false } continue } if s.ch == '\n' { if ok { s.errorf("newline in rune literal") ok = false } break } if s.ch < 0 { if ok { s.errorAtf(0, "rune literal not terminated") ok = false } break } s.nextch() } s.setLit(RuneLit, ok) } func (s *scanner) stdString() { ok := true s.nextch() for { if s.ch == '"' { s.nextch() break } if s.ch == '\\' { s.nextch() if !s.escape('"') { ok = false } continue } if s.ch == '\n' { s.errorf("newline in string") ok = false break } if s.ch < 0 { s.errorAtf(0, "string not terminated") ok = false break } s.nextch() } s.setLit(StringLit, ok) } func (s *scanner) rawString() { ok := true s.nextch() for { if s.ch == '`' { s.nextch() break } if s.ch < 0 { s.errorAtf(0, "string not terminated") ok = false break } s.nextch() } // We leave CRs in the string since they are part of the // literal (even though they are not part of the literal // value). s.setLit(StringLit, ok) } func (s *scanner) comment(text string) { s.errorAtf(0, "%s", text) } func (s *scanner) skipLine() { // don't consume '\n' - needed for nlsemi logic for s.ch >= 0 && s.ch != '\n' { s.nextch() } } func (s *scanner) lineComment() { // opening has already been consumed if s.mode&comments != 0 { s.skipLine() s.comment(string(s.segment())) return } // are we saving directives? or is this definitely not a directive? if s.mode&directives == 0 || (s.ch != 'g' && s.ch != 'l') { s.stop() s.skipLine() return } // recognize go: or line directives prefix := "go:" if s.ch == 'l' { prefix = "line " } for _, m := range prefix { if s.ch != m { s.stop() s.skipLine() return } s.nextch() } // directive text s.skipLine() s.comment(string(s.segment())) } func (s *scanner) skipComment() bool { for s.ch >= 0 { for s.ch == '*' { s.nextch() if s.ch == '/' { s.nextch() return true } } s.nextch() } s.errorAtf(0, "comment not terminated") return false } func (s *scanner) fullComment() { /* opening has already been consumed */ if s.mode&comments != 0 { if s.skipComment() { s.comment(string(s.segment())) } return } if s.mode&directives == 0 || s.ch != 'l' { s.stop() s.skipComment() return } // recognize line directive const prefix = "line " for _, m := range prefix { if s.ch != m { s.stop() s.skipComment() return } s.nextch() } // directive text if s.skipComment() { s.comment(string(s.segment())) } } func (s *scanner) escape(quote rune) bool { var n int var base, max uint32 switch s.ch { case quote, 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\': s.nextch() return true case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': n, base, max = 3, 8, 255 case 'x': s.nextch() n, base, max = 2, 16, 255 case 'u': s.nextch() n, base, max = 4, 16, unicode.MaxRune case 'U': s.nextch() n, base, max = 8, 16, unicode.MaxRune default: if s.ch < 0 { return true // complain in caller about EOF } s.errorf("unknown escape") return false } var x uint32 for i := n; i > 0; i-- { if s.ch < 0 { return true // complain in caller about EOF } d := base if isDecimal(s.ch) { d = uint32(s.ch) - '0' } else if 'a' <= lower(s.ch) && lower(s.ch) <= 'f' { d = uint32(lower(s.ch)) - 'a' + 10 } if d >= base { s.errorf("invalid character %q in %s escape", s.ch, baseName(int(base))) return false } // d < base x = x*base + d s.nextch() } if x > max && base == 8 { s.errorf("octal escape value %d > 255", x) return false } if x > max || 0xD800 <= x && x < 0xE000 /* surrogate range */ { s.errorf("escape is invalid Unicode code point %#U", x) return false } return true }