// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package loopvar_test import ( "internal/testenv" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "strings" "testing" ) type testcase struct { lvFlag string // ==-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 buildExpect string // message, if any expectRC int files []string } var for_files = []string{ "for_esc_address.go", // address of variable "for_esc_closure.go", // closure of variable "for_esc_minimal_closure.go", // simple closure of variable "for_esc_method.go", // method value of variable "for_complicated_esc_address.go", // modifies loop index in body } var range_files = []string{ "range_esc_address.go", // address of variable "range_esc_closure.go", // closure of variable "range_esc_minimal_closure.go", // simple closure of variable "range_esc_method.go", // method value of variable } var cases = []testcase{ {"-1", "", 11, for_files[:1]}, {"0", "", 0, for_files[:1]}, {"1", "", 0, for_files[:1]}, {"2", "loop variable i now per-iteration,", 0, for_files}, {"-1", "", 11, range_files[:1]}, {"0", "", 0, range_files[:1]}, {"1", "", 0, range_files[:1]}, {"2", "loop variable i now per-iteration,", 0, range_files}, {"1", "", 0, []string{"for_nested.go"}}, } // TestLoopVar checks that the GOEXPERIMENT and debug flags behave as expected. func TestLoopVarGo1_21(t *testing.T) { switch runtime.GOOS { case "linux", "darwin": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, os=%s not linux or darwin", runtime.GOOS) } switch runtime.GOARCH { case "amd64", "arm64": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, arch=%s not amd64 or arm64", runtime.GOARCH) } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) gocmd := testenv.GoToolPath(t) tmpdir := t.TempDir() output := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "foo.exe") for i, tc := range cases { for _, f := range tc.files { source := f cmd := testenv.Command(t, gocmd, "build", "-o", output, "-gcflags=-lang=go1.21 -d=loopvar="+tc.lvFlag, source) cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar", "HOME="+tmpdir) cmd.Dir = "testdata" t.Logf("File %s loopvar=%s expect '%s' exit code %d", f, tc.lvFlag, tc.buildExpect, tc.expectRC) b, e := cmd.CombinedOutput() if e != nil { t.Error(e) } if tc.buildExpect != "" { s := string(b) if !strings.Contains(s, tc.buildExpect) { t.Errorf("File %s test %d expected to match '%s' with \n-----\n%s\n-----", f, i, tc.buildExpect, s) } } // run what we just built. cmd = testenv.Command(t, output) b, e = cmd.CombinedOutput() if tc.expectRC != 0 { if e == nil { t.Errorf("Missing expected error, file %s, case %d", f, i) } else if ee, ok := (e).(*exec.ExitError); !ok || ee.ExitCode() != tc.expectRC { t.Error(e) } else { // okay } } else if e != nil { t.Error(e) } } } } func TestLoopVarInlinesGo1_21(t *testing.T) { switch runtime.GOOS { case "linux", "darwin": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, os=%s not linux or darwin", runtime.GOOS) } switch runtime.GOARCH { case "amd64", "arm64": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, arch=%s not amd64 or arm64", runtime.GOARCH) } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) gocmd := testenv.GoToolPath(t) tmpdir := t.TempDir() root := "cmd/compile/internal/loopvar/testdata/inlines" f := func(pkg string) string { // This disables the loopvar change, except for the specified package. // The effect should follow the package, even though everything (except "c") // is inlined. cmd := testenv.Command(t, gocmd, "run", "-gcflags="+root+"/...=-lang=go1.21", "-gcflags="+pkg+"=-d=loopvar=1", root) cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOEXPERIMENT=noloopvar", "HOME="+tmpdir) cmd.Dir = filepath.Join("testdata", "inlines") b, e := cmd.CombinedOutput() if e != nil { t.Error(e) } return string(b) } a := f(root + "/a") b := f(root + "/b") c := f(root + "/c") m := f(root) t.Logf(a) t.Logf(b) t.Logf(c) t.Logf(m) if !strings.Contains(a, "f, af, bf, abf, cf sums = 100, 45, 100, 100, 100") { t.Errorf("Did not see expected value of a") } if !strings.Contains(b, "f, af, bf, abf, cf sums = 100, 100, 45, 45, 100") { t.Errorf("Did not see expected value of b") } if !strings.Contains(c, "f, af, bf, abf, cf sums = 100, 100, 100, 100, 45") { t.Errorf("Did not see expected value of c") } if !strings.Contains(m, "f, af, bf, abf, cf sums = 45, 100, 100, 100, 100") { t.Errorf("Did not see expected value of m") } } func countMatches(s, re string) int { slice := regexp.MustCompile(re).FindAllString(s, -1) return len(slice) } func TestLoopVarHashes(t *testing.T) { // This behavior does not depend on Go version (1.21 or greater) switch runtime.GOOS { case "linux", "darwin": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, os=%s not linux or darwin", runtime.GOOS) } switch runtime.GOARCH { case "amd64", "arm64": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, arch=%s not amd64 or arm64", runtime.GOARCH) } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) gocmd := testenv.GoToolPath(t) tmpdir := t.TempDir() root := "cmd/compile/internal/loopvar/testdata/inlines" f := func(hash string) string { // This disables the loopvar change, except for the specified hash pattern. // -trimpath is necessary so we get the same answer no matter where the // Go repository is checked out. This is not normally a concern since people // do not normally rely on the meaning of specific hashes. cmd := testenv.Command(t, gocmd, "run", "-trimpath", root) cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOCOMPILEDEBUG=loopvarhash="+hash, "HOME="+tmpdir) cmd.Dir = filepath.Join("testdata", "inlines") b, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput() // Ignore the error, sometimes it's supposed to fail, the output test will catch it. return string(b) } for _, arg := range []string{"v001100110110110010100100", "vx336ca4"} { m := f(arg) t.Logf(m) mCount := countMatches(m, "loopvarhash triggered cmd/compile/internal/loopvar/testdata/inlines/main.go:27:6: .* 001100110110110010100100") otherCount := strings.Count(m, "loopvarhash") if mCount < 1 { t.Errorf("%s: did not see triggered main.go:27:6", arg) } if mCount != otherCount { t.Errorf("%s: too many matches", arg) } mCount = countMatches(m, "cmd/compile/internal/loopvar/testdata/inlines/main.go:27:6: .* \\[bisect-match 0x7802e115b9336ca4\\]") otherCount = strings.Count(m, "[bisect-match ") if mCount < 1 { t.Errorf("%s: did not see bisect-match for main.go:27:6", arg) } if mCount != otherCount { t.Errorf("%s: too many matches", arg) } // This next test carefully dodges a bug-to-be-fixed with inlined locations for ir.Names. if !strings.Contains(m, ", 100, 100, 100, 100") { t.Errorf("%s: did not see expected value of m run", arg) } } } // TestLoopVarVersionEnableFlag checks for loopvar transformation enabled by command line flag (1.22). func TestLoopVarVersionEnableFlag(t *testing.T) { switch runtime.GOOS { case "linux", "darwin": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, os=%s not linux or darwin", runtime.GOOS) } switch runtime.GOARCH { case "amd64", "arm64": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, arch=%s not amd64 or arm64", runtime.GOARCH) } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) gocmd := testenv.GoToolPath(t) // loopvar=3 logs info but does not change loopvarness cmd := testenv.Command(t, gocmd, "run", "-gcflags=-lang=go1.22 -d=loopvar=3", "opt.go") cmd.Dir = filepath.Join("testdata") b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() m := string(b) t.Logf(m) yCount := strings.Count(m, "opt.go:16:6: loop variable private now per-iteration, heap-allocated (loop inlined into ./opt.go:29)") nCount := strings.Count(m, "shared") if yCount != 1 { t.Errorf("yCount=%d != 1", yCount) } if nCount > 0 { t.Errorf("nCount=%d > 0", nCount) } if err != nil { t.Errorf("err=%v != nil", err) } } // TestLoopVarVersionEnableGoBuild checks for loopvar transformation enabled by go:build version (1.22). func TestLoopVarVersionEnableGoBuild(t *testing.T) { switch runtime.GOOS { case "linux", "darwin": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, os=%s not linux or darwin", runtime.GOOS) } switch runtime.GOARCH { case "amd64", "arm64": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, arch=%s not amd64 or arm64", runtime.GOARCH) } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) gocmd := testenv.GoToolPath(t) // loopvar=3 logs info but does not change loopvarness cmd := testenv.Command(t, gocmd, "run", "-gcflags=-lang=go1.21 -d=loopvar=3", "opt-122.go") cmd.Dir = filepath.Join("testdata") b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() m := string(b) t.Logf(m) yCount := strings.Count(m, "opt-122.go:18:6: loop variable private now per-iteration, heap-allocated (loop inlined into ./opt-122.go:31)") nCount := strings.Count(m, "shared") if yCount != 1 { t.Errorf("yCount=%d != 1", yCount) } if nCount > 0 { t.Errorf("nCount=%d > 0", nCount) } if err != nil { t.Errorf("err=%v != nil", err) } } // TestLoopVarVersionDisableFlag checks for loopvar transformation DISABLED by command line version (1.21). func TestLoopVarVersionDisableFlag(t *testing.T) { switch runtime.GOOS { case "linux", "darwin": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, os=%s not linux or darwin", runtime.GOOS) } switch runtime.GOARCH { case "amd64", "arm64": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, arch=%s not amd64 or arm64", runtime.GOARCH) } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) gocmd := testenv.GoToolPath(t) // loopvar=3 logs info but does not change loopvarness cmd := testenv.Command(t, gocmd, "run", "-gcflags=-lang=go1.21 -d=loopvar=3", "opt.go") cmd.Dir = filepath.Join("testdata") b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() m := string(b) t.Logf(m) // expect error yCount := strings.Count(m, "opt.go:16:6: loop variable private now per-iteration, heap-allocated (loop inlined into ./opt.go:29)") nCount := strings.Count(m, "shared") if yCount != 0 { t.Errorf("yCount=%d != 0", yCount) } if nCount > 0 { t.Errorf("nCount=%d > 0", nCount) } if err == nil { // expect error t.Errorf("err=%v == nil", err) } } // TestLoopVarVersionDisableGoBuild checks for loopvar transformation DISABLED by go:build version (1.21). func TestLoopVarVersionDisableGoBuild(t *testing.T) { switch runtime.GOOS { case "linux", "darwin": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, os=%s not linux or darwin", runtime.GOOS) } switch runtime.GOARCH { case "amd64", "arm64": default: t.Skipf("Slow test, usually avoid it, arch=%s not amd64 or arm64", runtime.GOARCH) } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) gocmd := testenv.GoToolPath(t) // loopvar=3 logs info but does not change loopvarness cmd := testenv.Command(t, gocmd, "run", "-gcflags=-lang=go1.22 -d=loopvar=3", "opt-121.go") cmd.Dir = filepath.Join("testdata") b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() m := string(b) t.Logf(m) // expect error yCount := strings.Count(m, "opt-121.go:18:6: loop variable private now per-iteration, heap-allocated (loop inlined into ./opt-121.go:31)") nCount := strings.Count(m, "shared") if yCount != 0 { t.Errorf("yCount=%d != 0", yCount) } if nCount > 0 { t.Errorf("nCount=%d > 0", nCount) } if err == nil { // expect error t.Errorf("err=%v == nil", err) } }