
Source file src/cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen/scope_test.go

Documentation: cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen

     1  // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package dwarfgen
     7  import (
     8  	"debug/dwarf"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"internal/platform"
    11  	"internal/testenv"
    12  	"os"
    13  	"path/filepath"
    14  	"runtime"
    15  	"sort"
    16  	"strconv"
    17  	"strings"
    18  	"testing"
    20  	"cmd/internal/objfile"
    21  )
    23  type testline struct {
    24  	// line is one line of go source
    25  	line string
    27  	// scopes is a list of scope IDs of all the lexical scopes that this line
    28  	// of code belongs to.
    29  	// Scope IDs are assigned by traversing the tree of lexical blocks of a
    30  	// function in pre-order
    31  	// Scope IDs are function specific, i.e. scope 0 is always the root scope
    32  	// of the function that this line belongs to. Empty scopes are not assigned
    33  	// an ID (because they are not saved in debug_info).
    34  	// Scope 0 is always omitted from this list since all lines always belong
    35  	// to it.
    36  	scopes []int
    38  	// vars is the list of variables that belong in scopes[len(scopes)-1].
    39  	// Local variables are prefixed with "var ", formal parameters with "arg ".
    40  	// Must be ordered alphabetically.
    41  	// Set to nil to skip the check.
    42  	vars []string
    44  	// decl is the list of variables declared at this line.
    45  	decl []string
    47  	// declBefore is the list of variables declared at or before this line.
    48  	declBefore []string
    49  }
    51  var testfile = []testline{
    52  	{line: "package main"},
    53  	{line: "var sink any"},
    54  	{line: "func f1(x int) { }"},
    55  	{line: "func f2(x int) { }"},
    56  	{line: "func f3(x int) { }"},
    57  	{line: "func f4(x int) { }"},
    58  	{line: "func f5(x int) { }"},
    59  	{line: "func f6(x int) { }"},
    60  	{line: "func leak(x interface{}) { sink = x }"},
    61  	{line: "func gret1() int { return 2 }"},
    62  	{line: "func gretbool() bool { return true }"},
    63  	{line: "func gret3() (int, int, int) { return 0, 1, 2 }"},
    64  	{line: "var v = []int{ 0, 1, 2 }"},
    65  	{line: "var ch = make(chan int)"},
    66  	{line: "var floatch = make(chan float64)"},
    67  	{line: "var iface interface{}"},
    68  	{line: "func TestNestedFor() {", vars: []string{"var a int"}},
    69  	{line: "	a := 0", decl: []string{"a"}},
    70  	{line: "	f1(a)"},
    71  	{line: "	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var i int"}, decl: []string{"i"}},
    72  	{line: "		f2(i)", scopes: []int{1}},
    73  	{line: "		for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {", scopes: []int{1, 2}, vars: []string{"var i int"}, decl: []string{"i"}},
    74  	{line: "			f3(i)", scopes: []int{1, 2}},
    75  	{line: "		}"},
    76  	{line: "		f4(i)", scopes: []int{1}},
    77  	{line: "	}"},
    78  	{line: "	f5(a)"},
    79  	{line: "}"},
    80  	{line: "func TestOas2() {", vars: []string{}},
    81  	{line: "	if a, b, c := gret3(); a != 1 {", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var a int", "var b int", "var c int"}},
    82  	{line: "		f1(a)", scopes: []int{1}},
    83  	{line: "		f1(b)", scopes: []int{1}},
    84  	{line: "		f1(c)", scopes: []int{1}},
    85  	{line: "	}"},
    86  	{line: "	for i, x := range v {", scopes: []int{2}, vars: []string{"var i int", "var x int"}},
    87  	{line: "		f1(i)", scopes: []int{2}},
    88  	{line: "		f1(x)", scopes: []int{2}},
    89  	{line: "	}"},
    90  	{line: "	if a, ok := <- ch; ok {", scopes: []int{3}, vars: []string{"var a int", "var ok bool"}},
    91  	{line: "		f1(a)", scopes: []int{3}},
    92  	{line: "	}"},
    93  	{line: "	if a, ok := iface.(int); ok {", scopes: []int{4}, vars: []string{"var a int", "var ok bool"}},
    94  	{line: "		f1(a)", scopes: []int{4}},
    95  	{line: "	}"},
    96  	{line: "}"},
    97  	{line: "func TestIfElse() {"},
    98  	{line: "	if x := gret1(); x != 0 {", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var x int"}},
    99  	{line: "		a := 0", scopes: []int{1, 2}, vars: []string{"var a int"}},
   100  	{line: "		f1(a); f1(x)", scopes: []int{1, 2}},
   101  	{line: "	} else {"},
   102  	{line: "		b := 1", scopes: []int{1, 3}, vars: []string{"var b int"}},
   103  	{line: "		f1(b); f1(x+1)", scopes: []int{1, 3}},
   104  	{line: "	}"},
   105  	{line: "}"},
   106  	{line: "func TestSwitch() {", vars: []string{}},
   107  	{line: "	switch x := gret1(); x {", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var x int"}},
   108  	{line: "	case 0:", scopes: []int{1, 2}},
   109  	{line: "		i := x + 5", scopes: []int{1, 2}, vars: []string{"var i int"}},
   110  	{line: "		f1(x); f1(i)", scopes: []int{1, 2}},
   111  	{line: "	case 1:", scopes: []int{1, 3}},
   112  	{line: "		j := x + 10", scopes: []int{1, 3}, vars: []string{"var j int"}},
   113  	{line: "		f1(x); f1(j)", scopes: []int{1, 3}},
   114  	{line: "	case 2:", scopes: []int{1, 4}},
   115  	{line: "		k := x + 2", scopes: []int{1, 4}, vars: []string{"var k int"}},
   116  	{line: "		f1(x); f1(k)", scopes: []int{1, 4}},
   117  	{line: "	}"},
   118  	{line: "}"},
   119  	{line: "func TestTypeSwitch() {", vars: []string{}},
   120  	{line: "	switch x := iface.(type) {"},
   121  	{line: "	case int:", scopes: []int{1}},
   122  	{line: "		f1(x)", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var x int"}},
   123  	{line: "	case uint8:", scopes: []int{2}},
   124  	{line: "		f1(int(x))", scopes: []int{2}, vars: []string{"var x uint8"}},
   125  	{line: "	case float64:", scopes: []int{3}},
   126  	{line: "		f1(int(x)+1)", scopes: []int{3}, vars: []string{"var x float64"}},
   127  	{line: "	}"},
   128  	{line: "}"},
   129  	{line: "func TestSelectScope() {"},
   130  	{line: "	select {"},
   131  	{line: "	case i := <- ch:", scopes: []int{1}},
   132  	{line: "		f1(i)", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var i int"}},
   133  	{line: "	case f := <- floatch:", scopes: []int{2}},
   134  	{line: "		f1(int(f))", scopes: []int{2}, vars: []string{"var f float64"}},
   135  	{line: "	}"},
   136  	{line: "}"},
   137  	{line: "func TestBlock() {", vars: []string{"var a int"}},
   138  	{line: "	a := 1"},
   139  	{line: "	{"},
   140  	{line: "		b := 2", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var b int"}},
   141  	{line: "		f1(b)", scopes: []int{1}},
   142  	{line: "		f1(a)", scopes: []int{1}},
   143  	{line: "	}"},
   144  	{line: "}"},
   145  	{line: "func TestDiscontiguousRanges() {", vars: []string{"var a int"}},
   146  	{line: "	a := 0"},
   147  	{line: "	f1(a)"},
   148  	{line: "	{"},
   149  	{line: "		b := 0", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var b int"}},
   150  	{line: "		f2(b)", scopes: []int{1}},
   151  	{line: "		if gretbool() {", scopes: []int{1}},
   152  	{line: "			c := 0", scopes: []int{1, 2}, vars: []string{"var c int"}},
   153  	{line: "			f3(c)", scopes: []int{1, 2}},
   154  	{line: "		} else {"},
   155  	{line: "			c := 1.1", scopes: []int{1, 3}, vars: []string{"var c float64"}},
   156  	{line: "			f4(int(c))", scopes: []int{1, 3}},
   157  	{line: "		}"},
   158  	{line: "		f5(b)", scopes: []int{1}},
   159  	{line: "	}"},
   160  	{line: "	f6(a)"},
   161  	{line: "}"},
   162  	{line: "func TestClosureScope() {", vars: []string{"var a int", "var b int", "var f func(int)"}},
   163  	{line: "	a := 1; b := 1"},
   164  	{line: "	f := func(c int) {", scopes: []int{0}, vars: []string{"arg c int", "var &b *int", "var a int", "var d int"}, declBefore: []string{"&b", "a"}},
   165  	{line: "		d := 3"},
   166  	{line: "		f1(c); f1(d)"},
   167  	{line: "		if e := 3; e != 0 {", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var e int"}},
   168  	{line: "			f1(e)", scopes: []int{1}},
   169  	{line: "			f1(a)", scopes: []int{1}},
   170  	{line: "			b = 2", scopes: []int{1}},
   171  	{line: "		}"},
   172  	{line: "	}"},
   173  	{line: "	f(3); f1(b)"},
   174  	{line: "}"},
   175  	{line: "func TestEscape() {"},
   176  	{line: "	a := 1", vars: []string{"var a int"}},
   177  	{line: "	{"},
   178  	{line: "		b := 2", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var &b *int", "var p *int"}},
   179  	{line: "		p := &b", scopes: []int{1}},
   180  	{line: "		f1(a)", scopes: []int{1}},
   181  	{line: "		leak(p)", scopes: []int{1}},
   182  	{line: "	}"},
   183  	{line: "}"},
   184  	{line: "var fglob func() int"},
   185  	{line: "func TestCaptureVar(flag bool) {"},
   186  	{line: "	a := 1", vars: []string{"arg flag bool", "var a int"}}, // TODO(register args) restore "arg ~r1 func() int",
   187  	{line: "	if flag {"},
   188  	{line: "		b := 2", scopes: []int{1}, vars: []string{"var b int", "var f func() int"}},
   189  	{line: "		f := func() int {", scopes: []int{1, 0}},
   190  	{line: "			return b + 1"},
   191  	{line: "		}"},
   192  	{line: "		fglob = f", scopes: []int{1}},
   193  	{line: "	}"},
   194  	{line: "	f1(a)"},
   195  	{line: "}"},
   196  	{line: "func main() {"},
   197  	{line: "	TestNestedFor()"},
   198  	{line: "	TestOas2()"},
   199  	{line: "	TestIfElse()"},
   200  	{line: "	TestSwitch()"},
   201  	{line: "	TestTypeSwitch()"},
   202  	{line: "	TestSelectScope()"},
   203  	{line: "	TestBlock()"},
   204  	{line: "	TestDiscontiguousRanges()"},
   205  	{line: "	TestClosureScope()"},
   206  	{line: "	TestEscape()"},
   207  	{line: "	TestCaptureVar(true)"},
   208  	{line: "}"},
   209  }
   211  const detailOutput = false
   213  // Compiles testfile checks that the description of lexical blocks emitted
   214  // by the linker in debug_info, for each function in the main package,
   215  // corresponds to what we expect it to be.
   216  func TestScopeRanges(t *testing.T) {
   217  	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
   218  	t.Parallel()
   220  	if !platform.ExecutableHasDWARF(runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) {
   221  		t.Skipf("skipping on %s/%s: no DWARF symbol table in executables", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
   222  	}
   224  	src, f := gobuild(t, t.TempDir(), false, testfile)
   225  	defer f.Close()
   227  	// the compiler uses forward slashes for paths even on windows
   228  	src = strings.Replace(src, "\\", "/", -1)
   230  	pcln, err := f.PCLineTable()
   231  	if err != nil {
   232  		t.Fatal(err)
   233  	}
   234  	dwarfData, err := f.DWARF()
   235  	if err != nil {
   236  		t.Fatal(err)
   237  	}
   238  	dwarfReader := dwarfData.Reader()
   240  	lines := make(map[line][]*lexblock)
   242  	for {
   243  		entry, err := dwarfReader.Next()
   244  		if err != nil {
   245  			t.Fatal(err)
   246  		}
   247  		if entry == nil {
   248  			break
   249  		}
   251  		if entry.Tag != dwarf.TagSubprogram {
   252  			continue
   253  		}
   255  		name, ok := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
   256  		if !ok || !strings.HasPrefix(name, "main.Test") {
   257  			continue
   258  		}
   260  		var scope lexblock
   261  		ctxt := scopexplainContext{
   262  			dwarfData:   dwarfData,
   263  			dwarfReader: dwarfReader,
   264  			scopegen:    1,
   265  		}
   267  		readScope(&ctxt, &scope, entry)
   269  		scope.markLines(pcln, lines)
   270  	}
   272  	anyerror := false
   273  	for i := range testfile {
   274  		tgt := testfile[i].scopes
   275  		out := lines[line{src, i + 1}]
   277  		if detailOutput {
   278  			t.Logf("%s // %v", testfile[i].line, out)
   279  		}
   281  		scopesok := checkScopes(tgt, out)
   282  		if !scopesok {
   283  			t.Logf("mismatch at line %d %q: expected: %v got: %v\n", i, testfile[i].line, tgt, scopesToString(out))
   284  		}
   286  		varsok := true
   287  		if testfile[i].vars != nil {
   288  			if len(out) > 0 {
   289  				varsok = checkVars(testfile[i].vars, out[len(out)-1].vars)
   290  				if !varsok {
   291  					t.Logf("variable mismatch at line %d %q for scope %d: expected: %v got: %v\n", i+1, testfile[i].line, out[len(out)-1].id, testfile[i].vars, out[len(out)-1].vars)
   292  				}
   293  				for j := range testfile[i].decl {
   294  					if line := declLineForVar(out[len(out)-1].vars, testfile[i].decl[j]); line != i+1 {
   295  						t.Errorf("wrong declaration line for variable %s, expected %d got: %d", testfile[i].decl[j], i+1, line)
   296  					}
   297  				}
   299  				for j := range testfile[i].declBefore {
   300  					if line := declLineForVar(out[len(out)-1].vars, testfile[i].declBefore[j]); line > i+1 {
   301  						t.Errorf("wrong declaration line for variable %s, expected %d (or less) got: %d", testfile[i].declBefore[j], i+1, line)
   302  					}
   303  				}
   304  			}
   305  		}
   307  		anyerror = anyerror || !scopesok || !varsok
   308  	}
   310  	if anyerror {
   311  		t.Fatalf("mismatched output")
   312  	}
   313  }
   315  func scopesToString(v []*lexblock) string {
   316  	r := make([]string, len(v))
   317  	for i, s := range v {
   318  		r[i] = strconv.Itoa(s.id)
   319  	}
   320  	return "[ " + strings.Join(r, ", ") + " ]"
   321  }
   323  func checkScopes(tgt []int, out []*lexblock) bool {
   324  	if len(out) > 0 {
   325  		// omit scope 0
   326  		out = out[1:]
   327  	}
   328  	if len(tgt) != len(out) {
   329  		return false
   330  	}
   331  	for i := range tgt {
   332  		if tgt[i] != out[i].id {
   333  			return false
   334  		}
   335  	}
   336  	return true
   337  }
   339  func checkVars(tgt []string, out []variable) bool {
   340  	if len(tgt) != len(out) {
   341  		return false
   342  	}
   343  	for i := range tgt {
   344  		if tgt[i] != out[i].expr {
   345  			return false
   346  		}
   347  	}
   348  	return true
   349  }
   351  func declLineForVar(scope []variable, name string) int {
   352  	for i := range scope {
   353  		if scope[i].name() == name {
   354  			return scope[i].declLine
   355  		}
   356  	}
   357  	return -1
   358  }
   360  type lexblock struct {
   361  	id     int
   362  	ranges [][2]uint64
   363  	vars   []variable
   364  	scopes []lexblock
   365  }
   367  type variable struct {
   368  	expr     string
   369  	declLine int
   370  }
   372  func (v *variable) name() string {
   373  	return strings.Split(v.expr, " ")[1]
   374  }
   376  type line struct {
   377  	file   string
   378  	lineno int
   379  }
   381  type scopexplainContext struct {
   382  	dwarfData   *dwarf.Data
   383  	dwarfReader *dwarf.Reader
   384  	scopegen    int
   385  }
   387  // readScope reads the DW_TAG_lexical_block or the DW_TAG_subprogram in
   388  // entry and writes a description in scope.
   389  // Nested DW_TAG_lexical_block entries are read recursively.
   390  func readScope(ctxt *scopexplainContext, scope *lexblock, entry *dwarf.Entry) {
   391  	var err error
   392  	scope.ranges, err = ctxt.dwarfData.Ranges(entry)
   393  	if err != nil {
   394  		panic(err)
   395  	}
   396  	for {
   397  		e, err := ctxt.dwarfReader.Next()
   398  		if err != nil {
   399  			panic(err)
   400  		}
   401  		switch e.Tag {
   402  		case 0:
   403  			sort.Slice(scope.vars, func(i, j int) bool {
   404  				return scope.vars[i].expr < scope.vars[j].expr
   405  			})
   406  			return
   407  		case dwarf.TagFormalParameter:
   408  			typ, err := ctxt.dwarfData.Type(e.Val(dwarf.AttrType).(dwarf.Offset))
   409  			if err != nil {
   410  				panic(err)
   411  			}
   412  			scope.vars = append(scope.vars, entryToVar(e, "arg", typ))
   413  		case dwarf.TagVariable:
   414  			typ, err := ctxt.dwarfData.Type(e.Val(dwarf.AttrType).(dwarf.Offset))
   415  			if err != nil {
   416  				panic(err)
   417  			}
   418  			scope.vars = append(scope.vars, entryToVar(e, "var", typ))
   419  		case dwarf.TagLexDwarfBlock:
   420  			scope.scopes = append(scope.scopes, lexblock{id: ctxt.scopegen})
   421  			ctxt.scopegen++
   422  			readScope(ctxt, &scope.scopes[len(scope.scopes)-1], e)
   423  		}
   424  	}
   425  }
   427  func entryToVar(e *dwarf.Entry, kind string, typ dwarf.Type) variable {
   428  	return variable{
   429  		fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", kind, e.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string), typ.String()),
   430  		int(e.Val(dwarf.AttrDeclLine).(int64)),
   431  	}
   432  }
   434  // markLines marks all lines that belong to this scope with this scope
   435  // Recursively calls markLines for all children scopes.
   436  func (scope *lexblock) markLines(pcln objfile.Liner, lines map[line][]*lexblock) {
   437  	for _, r := range scope.ranges {
   438  		for pc := r[0]; pc < r[1]; pc++ {
   439  			file, lineno, _ := pcln.PCToLine(pc)
   440  			l := line{file, lineno}
   441  			if len(lines[l]) == 0 || lines[l][len(lines[l])-1] != scope {
   442  				lines[l] = append(lines[l], scope)
   443  			}
   444  		}
   445  	}
   447  	for i := range scope.scopes {
   448  		scope.scopes[i].markLines(pcln, lines)
   449  	}
   450  }
   452  func gobuild(t *testing.T, dir string, optimized bool, testfile []testline) (string, *objfile.File) {
   453  	src := filepath.Join(dir, "test.go")
   454  	dst := filepath.Join(dir, "out.o")
   456  	f, err := os.Create(src)
   457  	if err != nil {
   458  		t.Fatal(err)
   459  	}
   460  	for i := range testfile {
   461  		f.Write([]byte(testfile[i].line))
   462  		f.Write([]byte{'\n'})
   463  	}
   464  	f.Close()
   466  	args := []string{"build"}
   467  	if !optimized {
   468  		args = append(args, "-gcflags=-N -l")
   469  	}
   470  	args = append(args, "-o", dst, src)
   472  	cmd := testenv.Command(t, testenv.GoToolPath(t), args...)
   473  	if b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
   474  		t.Logf("build: %s\n", string(b))
   475  		t.Fatal(err)
   476  	}
   478  	pkg, err := objfile.Open(dst)
   479  	if err != nil {
   480  		t.Fatal(err)
   481  	}
   482  	return src, pkg
   483  }
   485  // TestEmptyDwarfRanges tests that no list entry in debug_ranges has start == end.
   486  // See issue #23928.
   487  func TestEmptyDwarfRanges(t *testing.T) {
   488  	testenv.MustHaveGoRun(t)
   489  	t.Parallel()
   491  	if !platform.ExecutableHasDWARF(runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) {
   492  		t.Skipf("skipping on %s/%s: no DWARF symbol table in executables", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
   493  	}
   495  	_, f := gobuild(t, t.TempDir(), true, []testline{{line: "package main"}, {line: "func main(){ println(\"hello\") }"}})
   496  	defer f.Close()
   498  	dwarfData, err := f.DWARF()
   499  	if err != nil {
   500  		t.Fatal(err)
   501  	}
   502  	dwarfReader := dwarfData.Reader()
   504  	for {
   505  		entry, err := dwarfReader.Next()
   506  		if err != nil {
   507  			t.Fatal(err)
   508  		}
   509  		if entry == nil {
   510  			break
   511  		}
   513  		ranges, err := dwarfData.Ranges(entry)
   514  		if err != nil {
   515  			t.Fatal(err)
   516  		}
   517  		if ranges == nil {
   518  			continue
   519  		}
   521  		for _, rng := range ranges {
   522  			if rng[0] == rng[1] {
   523  				t.Errorf("range entry with start == end: %v", rng)
   524  			}
   525  		}
   526  	}
   527  }

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