// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package base import ( "bytes" "internal/bisect" "strings" "testing" ) func TestHashDebugGossahashY(t *testing.T) { hd := NewHashDebug("GOSSAHASH", "y", new(bytes.Buffer)) if hd == nil { t.Errorf("NewHashDebug should not return nil for GOSSASHASH=y") } if !hd.MatchPkgFunc("anything", "anyfunc", nil) { t.Errorf("NewHashDebug should return yes for everything for GOSSASHASH=y") } } func TestHashDebugGossahashN(t *testing.T) { hd := NewHashDebug("GOSSAHASH", "n", new(bytes.Buffer)) if hd == nil { t.Errorf("NewHashDebug should not return nil for GOSSASHASH=n") } if hd.MatchPkgFunc("anything", "anyfunc", nil) { t.Errorf("NewHashDebug should return no for everything for GOSSASHASH=n") } } func TestHashDebugGossahashEmpty(t *testing.T) { hd := NewHashDebug("GOSSAHASH", "", nil) if hd != nil { t.Errorf("NewHashDebug should return nil for GOSSASHASH=\"\"") } } func TestHashDebugMagic(t *testing.T) { hd := NewHashDebug("FOOXYZZY", "y", nil) hd0 := NewHashDebug("FOOXYZZY0", "n", nil) if hd == nil { t.Errorf("NewHashDebug should have succeeded for FOOXYZZY") } if hd0 == nil { t.Errorf("NewHashDebug should have succeeded for FOOXYZZY0") } } func TestHash(t *testing.T) { h0 := bisect.Hash("bar", "0") h1 := bisect.Hash("bar", "1") t.Logf(`These values are used in other tests: Hash("bar", "0")=%#64b, Hash("bar", "1")=%#64b`, h0, h1) if h0 == h1 { t.Errorf("Hashes 0x%x and 0x%x should differ", h0, h1) } } func TestHashMatch(t *testing.T) { b := new(bytes.Buffer) hd := NewHashDebug("GOSSAHASH", "v1110", b) check := hd.MatchPkgFunc("bar", "0", func() string { return "note" }) msg := b.String() t.Logf("message was '%s'", msg) if !check { t.Errorf("GOSSAHASH=1110 should have matched for 'bar', '0'") } wantPrefix(t, msg, "bar.0: note [bisect-match ") wantContains(t, msg, "\nGOSSAHASH triggered bar.0: note ") } func TestYMatch(t *testing.T) { b := new(bytes.Buffer) hd := NewHashDebug("GOSSAHASH", "vy", b) check := hd.MatchPkgFunc("bar", "0", nil) msg := b.String() t.Logf("message was '%s'", msg) if !check { t.Errorf("GOSSAHASH=y should have matched for 'bar', '0'") } wantPrefix(t, msg, "bar.0 [bisect-match ") wantContains(t, msg, "\nGOSSAHASH triggered bar.0 010100100011100101011110") } func TestNMatch(t *testing.T) { b := new(bytes.Buffer) hd := NewHashDebug("GOSSAHASH", "vn", b) check := hd.MatchPkgFunc("bar", "0", nil) msg := b.String() t.Logf("message was '%s'", msg) if check { t.Errorf("GOSSAHASH=n should NOT have matched for 'bar', '0'") } wantPrefix(t, msg, "bar.0 [DISABLED] [bisect-match ") wantContains(t, msg, "\nGOSSAHASH triggered bar.0 [DISABLED] 010100100011100101011110") } func TestHashNoMatch(t *testing.T) { b := new(bytes.Buffer) hd := NewHashDebug("GOSSAHASH", "01110", b) check := hd.MatchPkgFunc("bar", "0", nil) msg := b.String() t.Logf("message was '%s'", msg) if check { t.Errorf("GOSSAHASH=001100 should NOT have matched for 'bar', '0'") } if msg != "" { t.Errorf("Message should have been empty, instead %s", msg) } } func TestHashSecondMatch(t *testing.T) { b := new(bytes.Buffer) hd := NewHashDebug("GOSSAHASH", "01110/11110", b) check := hd.MatchPkgFunc("bar", "0", nil) msg := b.String() t.Logf("message was '%s'", msg) if !check { t.Errorf("GOSSAHASH=001100, GOSSAHASH0=0011 should have matched for 'bar', '0'") } wantContains(t, msg, "\nGOSSAHASH0 triggered bar") } func wantPrefix(t *testing.T, got, want string) { t.Helper() if !strings.HasPrefix(got, want) { t.Errorf("want prefix %q, got:\n%s", want, got) } } func wantContains(t *testing.T, got, want string) { t.Helper() if !strings.Contains(got, want) { t.Errorf("want contains %q, got:\n%s", want, got) } }