
Package flags

import "cmd/asm/internal/flags"

Overview ▾

Package flags implements top-level flags and the usage message for the assembler.


var (
    Debug      = flag.Bool("debug", false, "dump instructions as they are parsed")
    OutputFile = flag.String("o", "", "output file; default foo.o for /a/b/c/foo.s as first argument")
    TrimPath   = flag.String("trimpath", "", "remove prefix from recorded source file paths")
    Shared     = flag.Bool("shared", false, "generate code that can be linked into a shared library")
    Dynlink    = flag.Bool("dynlink", false, "support references to Go symbols defined in other shared libraries")
    Linkshared = flag.Bool("linkshared", false, "generate code that will be linked against Go shared libraries")
    AllErrors  = flag.Bool("e", false, "no limit on number of errors reported")
    SymABIs    = flag.Bool("gensymabis", false, "write symbol ABI information to output file, don't assemble")
    Importpath = flag.String("p", obj.UnlinkablePkg, "set expected package import to path")
    Spectre    = flag.String("spectre", "", "enable spectre mitigations in `list` (all, ret)")
var (
    D        MultiFlag
    I        MultiFlag
    PrintOut int
    DebugV   bool
var DebugFlags struct {
    MayMoreStack string `help:"call named function before all stack growth checks"`
    PCTab        string `help:"print named pc-value table\nOne of: pctospadj, pctofile, pctoline, pctoinline, pctopcdata"`

func Parse

func Parse()

func Usage

func Usage()

type MultiFlag

MultiFlag allows setting a value multiple times to collect a list, as in -I=dir1 -I=dir2.

type MultiFlag []string

func (*MultiFlag) Set

func (m *MultiFlag) Set(val string) error

func (*MultiFlag) String

func (m *MultiFlag) String() string